Possessed - Chapter Sixteen - Part Two

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Chapter Sixteen – Part Two


“Just listen to me for one minute, Dante, ” I hissed down the phone. “I needed to get her on my side, she could have killed him for fuck sake! I have a plan but you have to calm down. We’ll try again, I’ll do whatever it takes to get Devon back. I’m not giving up but we need a different strategy.”

The line went silent and then I heard him sigh. “Shit, I thought you’d lost it.”

“No I just had to get her out of there.”

“I understand,” he replied, almost reluctantly. “What’re we gonna do then?”

That was the million-dollar question. “I don’t know yet. She’s made herself at home so I’m hoping she’ll relax enough to let her defences down.”

“You think she just wants to live with you? She’s gonna possess Devon’s body forever so she can live happily ever after with you.”

I shrugged even though I knew he couldn’t see. “I think so but who really knows. Look we should try to find Katherine. Talk to that busy body woman in your building and see if she left a forwarding address or if she knows someone we can contact to find her.”

“You think mummy dearest will be able to get her psycho daughter to fuck off?”

“No idea but we’re running out of options.” How the fuck was I supposed to know what to do in these situations? It wasn’t as if we could just call the police and have Zara arrested. “When Devon’s back I’m going to devise a way of knowing when it’s her and when it’s Zara.”

“You think Devon will come back now?”

I laughed humourlessly as the kettle boiled in the background. “Don’t know. I don’t know how it works but she usually does.”

“Okay when she’s back explain what happened. We need to try again but we can’t risk Zara going postal. We need to get Devon to agree to being locked up.” He paused and laughed. “Glad you’ll be asking her that. We need her where she can’t hurt anyone.”

“Where though?”

“There must be somewhere with a secure room we can lock her in.”

“There is,” I said, remembering my parent’s ridiculous panic room. A room my mum insisted on being built after she watched the film. Of course it had never been used and I thoroughly regret all the times I joked about it because it finally has a use. “My parents have a panic room.”

“What? They have a what?”

I shook my head. “Don’t ask. It’s secure, though. Look I’ll book them on some surprise weekend away and we’ll get Devon in there at the weekend. Hopefully Peter will be willing to give it another go if she can’t get to him.”

“I’m still stuck on your parents have a panic room.”

I rolled my eyes. “They have a lot of things thanks to Mum’s irrational worries.” I think I’m immune to literally every disease going from the amount of vaccines she’d paid privately for while I was growing up. At the end of a nuclear war there would be just me and my brother left, and my parents if the panic room could survive it.

“Right.” I could picture his bemused headshake. “Okay so you get her to the panic room and I’ll try getting Father Fielding to agree. A few days do? Let Zara get too relaxed first, plan it with Devon and all that.”

“Yeah we’ll do it on Saturday.” That was four days away. I frowned. Four days with Zara. I could do that if it meant getting Devon back. Besides I had no doubt that she would come back soon anyway. Zara didn’t seem able to take over for too long. Would she eventually be able to do that? If she grew stronger and pushed Devon out would she be able to make her disappear for good?

We hadn’t been together long, hell we hadn’t even known each other for long but I couldn’t imagine not being with her again. If that was what she wanted too. I hoped so. I hoped with every ounce of my being that she actually felt something for me too and it wasn’t just Zara’s feeling passing on to her. I’d never felt this way about anyone before. It’d be just my luck to finally have genuine feelings for a girl and she didn’t want me back.

“Spencer, you there?” Dante said down the phone.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Sorry. Look you work on Peter; I’ll get my parents away, keep Zara happy and work on the plan with Devon.”

“Right. Four days, yeah? We shouldn’t contact much in case she hears.”

“Okay. Meet me at my parents. Four days. Nine in the morning. I’ll text you the address.”

“Let me know when Devon’s back but don’t let her text me, we don’t want Zara finding any messages on her phone.”

“Yeah, alright. Speak soon.”

“Bye,” he said and hung up.

I rubbed my forehead and popped a tea bag in a mug, preparing myself to act normal in front of Zara. I wanted to shake her out of Devon but all I could do was play nice and keep her thinking I wanted this. We had a plan, though I wasn’t sure if it was a particularly good one but we had little choice. I just hoped it would work.


Bad timings, huh! What do you think of Zara's plan now you know a little more. Think she'll manage to kill Spencer and ultimately Devon too? 

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