Chapter 16 - [Beauty and the Troubled Past]

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As I had decided the night before, I was going to do some research on Akhenatem. So as soon as I woke up the next morning, in pain might I add since I wasn't used to sleeping on a couch, I changed into something decent and made my way to the Oakville University Library.

This library was the best library in our country, so I was certain that by the time I was done in there, all my questions would be answered.

Aunty Maya's research would be in here too. And other things as well.

The only problem I had was that it was like, four days till Christmas and I was at a library. I mean, yeah, I was kind of a nerd but not that much of a nerd.

Oh well.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Right?

So when I made it in, the library was practically empty aside from a few hard workers who were studying for god knows what. There were no line ups for the elevator like there usually are during the semester, so I calmly went and checked the online catalogue, no rushing needed. Conveniently, all the Egyptian stuff were on the ninth floor of this fifteen floor library, which was awesome because that meant I didn't have to run up and down floors.

When I searched up Akhenatem, I wrote down the wing and call number of the journal that Aunty Maya's research paper was in and headed up to the ninth floor.

When I got there, I let out a breath like I always did in this library.

If fifteen floors didn't make you understand how big this library was, you needed to see each floor itself. Each floor was practically a library in itself. Maybe even bigger. The floor had five wings, lettered from A to E, and each wing had shelves and shelves and shelves and shelves of books. It was truly massive.

I headed over to wing E and searched for maybe a good ten minutes before I finally found the set of shelves that may have had Aunty Maya's paper in it.

After another ten minutes, I finally spotted the hundreds of books titled "Journal of Egyptian History." And then I went on searching for another two minutes for the volume in which Aunty Maya's research was in. Volume 73 to be exact.

When I found it, I let out a relieved sigh.

And then I walked around for another thirty minutes, picking out as many books as I could find about the fall of Ancient Egypt. There weren't many books specifically on Akhenatem, though many had at least a chapter on him, so I grabbed a hold of as many as I could.

When I was finally done, I walked over to a desk, dropped down all the books and sat.

I wanted to look at Aunty Maya's journal first, but I decided to save that for last. I didn't know why but I just did.

So I flipped through the other ten or so books I had, reading through either a chapter on Akhenatem or the paragraph they had.

Gosh, you would think they would have way more on the guy that practically caused the fall of Egypt, no?

And what sucked was that there wasn't anything particularly interesting in these books.

Well, all except one book.

One book, written by Richard Daniels, was on only the fall of Egypt. In the chapter prior to that of Akhenatem, it talked about the rather successful reign of the king before him.

Akhenatem's father.

Ahmenmose III.

Apparently he was an excellent king. A king who was loved by his people. He had complete control over his nation, Egypt prospered greatly during his reign, and there were no international problems at all.

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