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I sat down on a bench before laughing at the rare sight of Atem playing with a child. Today, we were given the task of babysitting Kiya, who was five now. Apparently, Aunty Maya had promised her to take her to the park, but she caught a cold and Uncle Ethan was extremely busy with work.

Thus, Atem, Neferkitti and I came to the rescue.

And that was no hair off our back since Atem loved Kiya.

Despite the fact that I had known him for so long, including the four years of him being gone, I never imagined how good he would be with kids. Though I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised, he practically raised his own little brother, after all.

The thought of this made me put my hand over my relatively flat belly, happy to know that if I were to have a child, he'd be an excellent father.

The sky was beginning to turn red and orange as the sun started to set, and since I had the fitness level of an old grandma, a couple hours in I was exhausted, which was why I took refuge at the bench. Neferkitti, joined me to keep me company. Atem however, well, he could keep going all night if he wanted to.

"I'm going to catch you!" Kiya shouted with a grin on her face as she ran after Atem.

Atem wasn't running fast, so Kiya grabbed a hold of his shirt with ease. He pulled away and gave her an exaggerated glare while he did the superhero stance. "You are no match for me, child," he said, making me snort. "You mustn't forget that I was the Pharaoh of Egypt. I've led thousands of soldiers into war and defeated–"

Kiya pounced on him, giggling uncontrollably. She loved it when he started his 'don't mess with me' rant.

I laughed out loud as Atem purposefully collapsed onto the sand covered ground of the park, letting Kiya climb on top of him and throw her hands up into the air. "Victory!"

Atem put an arm over his face. "I cannot believe it," he sighed. "You have defeated me again."

Neferkitti jumped off the bench from beside me, rushing over to them and pouncing on Atem too while Kiya gave Atem a kiss on his cheek. "I'll give you one more chance!" She said, holding her finger up. Once the game was over, she always gave him another chance, and every time they played together he would always break it and be the bad guy who needed to be defeated.

Atem chuckled.

I watched as Atem got up while lifting the only two girls in this world that he would ever be so silly with in his arms. Neferkitti and Kiya. I was very jealous of those two.

"I appreciate your kindness," Atem said to Kiya. "But for now I think it's time to go home."

Kiya protested a little but since she always listened to Atem, she gave up pretty quickly. When Atem reached me, Neferkitti jumped into my arms and I stood up. "Ready?"

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