Bonus Chapter - [The Little Details]

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Hello my beloved readers!!!!!

So as I promised, here is the BONUS CHAPTER!!!!!! Just a short preface that I hope you will all PLEASE READ!!!

So after that chapter with the time that May first did the dirty with Atem, A LOT of you had asked me why I didn't put in the details. The truth is, I've never ever written something like that before so I was sure I'd be able to do a good job!

BUT that being said, I really did wanna give it a shot and all of the readers of this story seem super friendly so I thought that if there was any story I should try it out for, it would be this one XD!

Anyhow, this Bonus Chapter is thus the details of that first special night between Atem and May (Chapter 38 - Beauty and the Marriage Proposal, to be specific), told in Atem's perspective. I chose to do it in his because it's been a while since we've heard from him. Plus I'm also sure we all wanna know how he really, deeply feels about May. So yes, 



If you are uncomfortable with mature themes, please still scroll till the end to read about a sort of CONTEST thing I'm doing!

Thanks for reading guys!!



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I did not suspect at all that in the end I would ever be disappointed with May's decision. I knew she wasn't a simple-minded woman and I knew with a little bit of an explanation, she would come around.

Though I will not deny that her choice to be so difficult was annoying.

It bothered me to think that there was such a complicated view of love in May's time. Though the wizard had told me that it did not exist, I knew that, at the very least, was a lie. It did exist. I saw it many times while I was in her time, I read about it too. Most books in May's world were about love, after all.

The only problem was that it was always so complicated.

Aurora and Alec got it right, in my opinion.

The two were a perfect example of how simple it should be.

I have seen them fight and argue and annoy each other, yet they still loved each other truly. They never let anything harm the love that they knew they felt for one another.

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