Chapter 37 - [Beauty and Ancient Freaking Egypt]

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So I was in Ancient freaking Egypt. I still hadn't wrapped my head around the entire thing, but whatever the case... I was in Ancient Egypt.

It was absolutely nothing like I imagined it to be... but at the same time, absolutely everything I had imagined it to be. Yeah, that made no sense. But none of this did.

After all, I was in Ancient Egypt for crying out loud.

Whether this was all a dream or not... this place was glorious. It was absolutely stunning.

Not one image I had seen in a history book about Ancient Egypt could ever compare to how it really looked now that I was here.

For starters, none of the temples you see in those books have any sort of colour on their walls. But here... the walls were so colorful, filled with vibrant paints and beautiful images.

There was, of course, a lot of sand. But there was also a lot of gardens and water and rich, beautiful soil.

Then there was Atem's palace. It was huge. I really had no idea how he could start off in something so massive and then live in my tiny apartment for a year. It was crazy!

It was, for the most part, a maze.

I don't think I'd ever be able to find my way around this place on my own. There were many long, large and wide halls and many doors. Many of the halls that I had seen had no ceilings. They opened up to the sky and let in fresh air. And of course, there were a ton of columns everywhere... big, beautiful colorful columns.

And of course, the people were beautiful too.

For the most part, they had tanned skin and beautifully lined dark eyes. Most of the people in the palace wore a lot of jewelry and very fancy clothes.

The only exception was Lord Hepu. He kind of seemed like a simple guy. He wore a white kilt, gold wristbands, and leopard skin over his shoulders like a shawl. Plus, he was bald, wore some eyeliner and that was about it.

But anyways, Lord Hepu seemed the nicest. (Did I mention how weird it felt to call someone 'Lord?') Of course, Atem's mother was also really nice.

I mean, I couldn't communicate with her at all but just from the way she looked at me, I could tell she was nice. It also seemed like she liked me, which was fantastic.

Plus, the dress she picked for me was really nice. It was comfortable and I didn't feel hot in it... though I did wish that it was a little bit thicker. Every time I looked down I could totally see my bra peeking through. That was weird.

After doing whatever magic he needed to do to make me understand Egyptian, all three of us left the temple together. I felt like nothing had changed. I didn't see any sparkles or shines or anything. But Atem assured me that he was speaking in his language, and if I could understand him then that means it worked.

Both Atem and Lord Hepu were continuing their conversation on the fact that the wizard was probably a troubled Egyptian man. They were now discussing whether or not the Sea People's attack was orchestrated by the wizard as well.

All I really understood from their conversation was that they did, in fact, believe the wizard had something to do with the Sea People. But other than that, I could really focus on them. I was too busy trying not to fall behind as I marveled at the beauty of this place.

I only stopped to look at the two men when Atem suddenly grabbed my arm. "You're going to come with us," he said firmly.

I hesitated, not really knowing why he was being so randomly aggressive. "Okay."

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