Ch.25 forgiveness

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~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am really sorry for not updating so soon. I just began college and I've been busy with school and I haven't found the time to write. I just feel bad for not updating so I made this chapter a little longer than usual. :) I hope you enjoy the chapter and once again I am sorry! And thank you for being patient and big thank you to all of those who said they loved it! ❤️ means a lot to know you guys enjoy reading my book! And I have never taken this long to update but I Will try to find time to write and update as soon as I can. ~xoxo 97chinita22~


I parked the car by lupe's house and looked at David. "Mia did mom and dad go crazy?" He asked. All I could say was " seems like they did but don't worry David I'll take care of you."

I knocked on the door and lupe's older brother Antonio aka rascal opened the door. "Oh hey Mia." He smirked. "Hey Antonio." I sighed. "Why Antonio? Just call me rascal." He said still smirking.

I rolled my eyes and said "is Lupe home?" "Oh yeah hold up." He said as he walked in "Lupe your homegirl Mia is here!" Lupe walked out of her room. "Oh hey Mia what are you doing here?" She yawned.

"I came for a visit." I said not trying to get to the point. "With your brother?" She asked pointing at David. "Uh yeah...listen Lupe we need a place to stay..." I said.

"W-why? I thought you were excited to live with your mom and the new baby?" She asked sounding confused. "Uh well turns out my mom cheated on my dad and the baby isn't his..." I said.

She gave me a what the fuck face and said "but didn't your dad cheat on your mom?" She asked. "Yeah but he didn't get a girl pregnant!" I shouted. "Uhh Jesus?" She pointed out.

"Jesus was before my mom anyways." I said. "Okay then ummm well I guess you two can stay here." She said. "thank you!" I sighed in relief as I hugged her.

"You can stay with me and your brother can stay with Antonio in his room." She said. I looked at her and said "what?" "Is it okay if David sleeps with Antonio?" She asked.

"Hell no it's not okay! I'm sorry Lupe but I don't want my brother to sleep in your brothers room because he might be bad influence on him!" I said.

"That's true." She began "but my mom wouldn't let a boy in my room. What are we going to do?"

"Let me talk to your mom." I said. "Sure, um why didn't you want to stay at your dad's house?" She asked. "Ummm I was going to but my dad literally had a whole bunch of women at his house! I can't believe he's even like that! And he was high too!" I said.

"David could you please go to the back yard and play, I want to have some girl talk with your sister." Lupe said. David walked out side. "Soooo when are you going to smoke for the first time?" She asked.

"Smoke?" I said.

Lupe nodded her head and said "yeah i think it will calm you. You know like I feel like you have a lot of stress.." "I don't know. Like I never exactly thought about smoking ever." I said. Lupe just laughed and shook her head.


It's been two weeks since David and I have been living with Lupe and her family. Today I decided to go see Jesus in prison.

I put my hair in a bun since it's raining. I put on a black long sleeve shirt, a black sweater over it, black leggings and black and white converse.

"David lets go!" I said as I walked out with David behind me. We hurried into the car since it's pouring rain. When we got to prison we went through the whole security process.

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