ch.27 A day in my life

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After Francisco and I met in the office and we noticed our schedules were exactly the same I took him to first period. We opened the door and all eyes were on us. " Mr. Cruz this is Francisco Lopez. " I said. " nice to meet you Francisco I am Mr. Cruz your teacher. Please go ahead and take a seat in any open desk there is." Francisco nodded and luckily there was an open seat behind me so he just went ahead and sat there.

Lupe and dreamer looked at Francisco and then gave me the look. the look that says "damn he is cute!" I nodded my head, agreeing with him because I cant lie Francisco was cute.

Mr. Cruz gave us a worksheet to work on for the rest of the time. Francisco tapped on my shoulder so I turned around. "hey mia when is lunch going to be because I'm starving!" he said. I giggled he sounded so exaggerated. "its barley first period. how could you be starving already?" chuckled dreamer.

he shrugged his shoulders and said " well I skipped breakfast and by the way you probably already heard but I'm Francisco Lopez." oh yeah I forgot to introduce him to them two. "Francisco this is Susana but everyone calls her Dreamer and this is Lupe but you can also call her Smiley." I said. "Nicknames hmm that's cool. I need to me a cool nickname." he chuckled.

"How about Pancho?" said Lupe. "nah that's too common" he said. "don't worry we'll find you a cool nick name." said dreamer. "How about Travieso?" I asked him. he smiles and nodded as he said " Yeah that works out great for me since I do always get into some kind of trouble.

first period was over and second period went by fast also, now it was break. "hey travieso." I said. he laughed at the sound of the nickname I gave him. "yeah?" he replied. "are you still hungry?" I asked. he nodded and said " hell yeah I am!" I laughed. "well they sell cookies in the cafeteria for 50 cents and there's a vending machine in there also. I'll be a good friend and buy something for the both of us." Francisco smiled and nodded his head as if he was a happy little kid. I turned and looked at Lupe and dreamer "you guys want to come or at least want me to buy you something?" I asked.dreamer shook her head no but Lupe wanted me to get her a chocolate chip cookie. I began walking to the cafeteria with Francisco following behind me.

Andres POV:

It was finally break and me and the homies walked up to smiley and dreamer who were sitting down at a table. "whats up homegirls" said spooky. "hey guys" they both said at the same time. I looked around but I couldn't see mia. I haven't talked to mia in a while, probably ever since we had that one argument. "where's mia?" I asked. they looked at each other and dreamer said "she went to the cafeteria she'll be back real quick." spooky started talking about old times, everyone was laughing and having a good time, when I turn around a notice mia walking, but she wasn't walking alone. she was with a guy, I'm guessing hes new here.  " Hey mia" spooky said. "hey guys this is Francisco, he just moved here from Arizona." said mia.

" hey foo my name is Anthony but everyone calls me sleepy, and this here is Andres but you can call him chino." Spooky introduced. "Nice to meet you all." Said Francisco. Then the bell for third period rang. "Come on travieso lets get to class." Said Mia as the new guy followed.

"Wait what did she call you?" I asked in confusion. He turned around looked at me and smiled " travieso it's my new nickname she came up for me." "Nickname?" I said.

Mia gave me a mean look and said " you got a problem with it Andres?" Damn she's still mad at me. "Nah I mean you only knew him for one day but like why would I care?"

Mia's POV

"What's his problem?" Asked Francisco. "Don't mind him he's just jealous of you." Said Lupe.I stared at Lupe hoping she wouldn't say anything anymore. She looked at me with eyes full of guilt. "Why would he be jealous of me?" Asked Francisco. And then he started laughing. Lupe, dreamer, and I looked at each other. The three of us looked so confused. "Um what's so funny?" I asked.

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