Ch.26 The Dream

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"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard a little girl cry. I ran outside following the sound of her voice. "Daddy!" She yelled once more. I ran as fast as I could but the sound was drifting away.

The sound led me to the cemetery. "Daddy! Where are you daddy!" She yelled. "Little girl where are you!" I yelled. "Daddy!" she continued.

Suddenly it became really windy! I stopped running. When I stopped running the wind stopped. Everything was still even the little girl stopped yelling. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped at the sight of the person... It was Diablo.

"Mia please find my daughter! She's alive!" He said as he drifted away. "Diablo wait how will I find her!" I shouted. "Talk to big chuy!" He said and then he was gone.


I woke up breathing heavily. That dream! He must want me to actually look for his daughter! But who's big chuy? How can I talk to big chuy if I don't know who he is!

"Mia are you okay?" My mom asked as she woke up. "I had a dream and it has me thinking. "What was your dream about?" She asked. After I told her my dream her jaw dropped.

"Mija I think it was just a dream. Let the police look for that little girl." She said as she shook her head. "Mom I'm one step closer I just need to figure out who big chuy is!" I said.

"No Mija I can't let you do that."she said. "Why not!" I said. "Because what if this big chuy guy is dangerous! I don't want you to get hurt Mija!" She said.

I looked down and sighed "mom I won't get hurt I promise. I just really want to help find this little girl. I don't know why Jose had to do that! Mom he turned into my worst nightmare! He was supposed to be my Prince Charming and he isn't!" I cried.

"It's okay Mija. They will catch him and make him pay for what he did." She said as she patted my back.


Later that morning I got ready for school. Since these April days are still fresh I put on a red knitted crop top sweater, black skirt,with black leggings under, and some black boots. I curled my hair into loose bouncy curls. Put on my wing eyeliner, mascara and some blush.

"Mom I'm going to school now!" I said as I grabbed my backpack. "Okay Mija be careful." She said. "I will!" I replied and walked out the door.

On my whole way to school I couldn't stop thinking about my dream. Who is big chuy? Why does Diablo want me to talk to big chuy? There was too many questions going on in my head right now.

"Yo China!" I heard and turned around. It was the homie spooky. "Hey spooky." I said. "How come I've never seen you walk to school before? I just realized that." He said with a laugh.

"I always leave at last minute. It's the first time I actually leave on time." I replied. "Oh it's because I just noticed I never run into you." He said. "Oh" I replied.

There was an awkward silence until he broke it "sooo Mia Andres really likes you!" "What?" I said. That caught me off guard.

"I've never seen Andres like this! He's in love! I've never seen him like this over a girl."he said. "Oh well I made it clear to him that I don't like him." I said. "Mia will you at least give him a try?" He asked.

"I'm sorry spooky but now isn't the right time to be having a boyfriend. Especially if he's having a baby with someone else." I said.

He shook his head "nah I get you. Sorry for wasting your time." He began walking faster leaving me behind. Then I thought why not ask him if he knows who big chuy is.

"Hey spooky!" I said. He turned around and said "what's up?" "Umm do you know anyone by the name of big chuy?" I asked. He shook his head and said "nah never heard of him. Why?" "Oh no I was just wondering." I said.

we got to school and I immediately went towards lupe and dreamer. I told them all about my dream. "Damn homegirl you need to figure out who big chuy is and quick!" Said dreamer. "Yeah before creeper does anything to Myra!" Lupe added.

"I just don't know! There's a lot of people who go by chuy. How will I know who big chuy is?" I sighed. "You might not want to do it but ask chino... He knows a lot of people." Said dreamer. "Maybe he knows big chuy!" Lupe said.

I turned over to where Andres was with his homies. "I don't know if that's a good idea I haven't talked to him since our argument." I said. "You two need to grow up and admit that you like each other!" Said dreamer.

"What? I don't like him!" I snapped. "Mia we all see the way you two look at each other!" She said. I sighed and opened up my locker. Something fell out. It was a note. I picked it up and opened it.


How was your dream? Yes I know about your dream. Silly girl. Your not going to find big chuy that easy. Anyways I just want to give you the heads up that I am always watching you no matter where you are. I have eyes everywhere. Te amo mi amor ❤️

Xoxo ,your secret admirer

"Omg!" I shouted as I dropped the note. "Whats wrong?" Asked lupe as she picked up the note. She read it and said "who is your secret admirer?" She asked. "I-i don't know!" I said. "Let me see that!" Said dreamer as Lupe handed her the note.

"He's watching you? Who else did you tell the dream too?" Asked dreamer. "Just you two and my mom." I said. "Okay this is creepy! You have no privacy! Like this person can take you at any time!" Said Lupe.

That got me even more worried. "Who would want to watch me?" I asked but at that moment we all looked at each other.

"You don't think..." I said. "Yes I think it's him!" Said dreamer. "It's definitely him!" Lupe added. We began to whisper."Why would Jose want to watch me this whole time?" I whispered.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to find Myra!" Said dreamer. "This is just wrong! Why does Jose even want to do this! Diablo is already dead! And he already told me doesn't love me!" I said.

"This is just spooky!" Said dreamer. "That's it! Spooky! Mia you have to tell Andres and spooky! They will protect you!" Lupe said. "I don't know. I don't want to get people involved." I said.

"Do you want to stay safe and find Myra?" Dreamer asked. "Yes" I said. "Then tell them." Lupe insisted.

The bell rang and it was Time to go to first period. We got into class and sat down. "Mia they need you in the office." Said mr. Cruz.

I got up and headed towards the office. "Hi Mia!" Said Mrs Clark. "Hi Mrs. Clark." I said as I waved. "This is Francisco Lopez." She said gesturing towards a guy sitting down. "He is a new student here and I need you to show him around." She added.

"Oh okay then." I said as we both walked out of the office. "So where did you move here from?" I asked him. "Phoenix Arizona." He said in a deep smooth voice. Francisco was tall, tan and he had dimples. He was cute.

"Oh my brother use to live there." I said. "Oh you have a brother?" He asked. "Yeah I do." I sighed. "So Mia we have the same schedule right?" He asked.

I looked at his schedule and they were exactly the same. "Yeah that are." I said. "Nice! At least I made a friend on the first day of school." He laughed.

Fransisco and I continued talking. I got to know more about him and he got to know more about me. I guess you can say we're going to be good friends.

~~~~~~~Auothor's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope you all had a happy Halloween :) 🎃 and sorry for making it short but I will continue to write and come up with a good chapter. Do you readers think Jose is up to something? Why would he send Mia those notes? Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you'll like my next one. Please don't be afraid to give me ideas. I had some pretty good ideas given to me in the last chapter :) XOXO 97chinita22

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