8|silver bullet

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I do NOT own Teen Wolf

Episode 4, we're moving on up.

Question of the Chapter - Who's your fav ship in the show?

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The next day, I had been running a bit late for school and was majorly stressed, so Stiles had offered to drive me. I initially said no, not wanting him to be late for school, but he insisted. Luckily, we made it there just in time for our first class.

When we had arrived, Scott had informed us that he had confronted Derek the night before. Apparently they had had a little spat with each other. But that wasn't the important part. At the end, Derek had told him something rather surprising.

Derek wasn't the Alpha.

So now, we didn't even know who was after us anymore. Which made the whole, 'staying alive' thing a bit more difficult.

The three of us sat in class, waiting to get our test results back from the teacher. I sat to the right of Stiles, and we were both one row behind Scott.

I didn't know how to feel; I was back in my normal routine just one day after I had broken up with my boyfriend. I hadn't spoken to anyone about what had happened with Isaac yet, and I had not heard from him since the previous morning.

To be completely honest, I didn't even want to be at school that day, but I didn't want my mom to worry about me. She already had enough on her plate with work, let alone having to add a heartbroken teenage girl.

I had been randomly sketching shapes in my notebook; the back page was chock full of them, all different sizes, all over the page. It was the same shape every time though. A triangle, with a horizontal line through the middle. But why?

Stiles leant forward, tapping Scott with his pencil, deciding to break his silence. Which had lasted about a minute, in the usual Stiles Stilinski fashion.
"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you and clawed Riley, then who did?"

That was a good question. Who was the Alpha? Even if we found out, what were we supposed to do about it? We're just three teenagers, we're supposed to be dealing with peer pressure and school stress right now, not monsters wanting to rip our throats out.

Scott turned his head slightly, shrugging, "I don't know."

Stiles rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair out of frustration. I couldn't blame him though, I was itching for answers also; and out of the three of us, Scott was most likely going to be the one to know what's going on within this certain topic. Given that he's the wolf.

I decided to give it a go, "Do you think the Alpha killed the bus driver?"

Scott duplicated his answer from before, dropping his pencil with a sigh.

Their teacher handed me my corrected test. B+.
I smiled to myself, glad that my grades hadn't slipped even after the trauma we went through in the Beacon Hills Preserve.

Stiles huffed, pursing his lips, looking even more frustrated than before. His eyes flickered, as if trying to keep up with the hyperactive boy's thought pattern.

I wondered what he thought about. What it was like to think like he did.

His eyes widened for a split second, and he was back at Scott's shoulder, kinda like a parrot. "Does Allison's dad know about the . . . "

Stiles didn't have the chance to finish, because Scott finally cracked it, spinning to shout at his friend. "I don't know!"

Stiles and I awkwardly reclined back into our respected seats, as every student in the class room turned to look at us.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now