62|unreliable narrator

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Gosh, this episode feels like it's taking forever. Definitely one of my least favourites of this season.


When we reached the apartment building, Cora lead the way to the room with all the fuse boxes. Stiles pushed the door open, standing in front of the wall of switches.

He finally stopped to examine the wall, "Okay, what do we do?"

Cora was as lost us the rest of us, so she decided the best way to remedy this was to instruct us to pull all of the levers.

No one questioned the logic of this decision as Lydia, Cora and I began to pull on the levers while Stiles went onto his phone to let Isaac know what we were doing. Hopefully we weren't too late.

As soon as we flipped all the switches which we thought may actually do something, we ran up stairs towards Derek's apartment. Cora lead the way, her werewolf speed coming in handy.

We kept going until we finally reached Derek's apartment. Skidding to a stop at the door, we peered into the dark room. But we were to late.

The plan had been to have the Alpha's be in the water when the current hit and electrocute as many of them as they could. But that obviously hadn't played out the way they wanted it to.

So Derek was kneeling in the centre of the room, water pooling at his knees, someone lying in the water in front of him.
A quick scan of the room and I saw Derek, Isaac and for some reason Ms. Blake was also here; which left the body in the water to be Boyd.

"Oh, my god," I gasped quietly as I brought my hand to my mouth, watching Cora run down and collapse beside Boyd's body.

Lydia and I remained standing beside each other as Stiles walked slowly down to stand behind Derek. The Alpha's head was bowed in regret and mourning, blood on his hands. Had he been the one to kill Boyd?

Stiles placed a hand on Derek's shoulder as the Alpha stared down as his deceased beta. I looked down to Isaac to see him sitting close by Ms. Blake, watching over her. His eyes drifted from Boyd up to me, his expression drowned in sorrow.

Boyd, Erica, and Derek had been the closest thing he had had to family since his dad died. Besides me of course. He had already lost Erica, and now Boyd. I didn't know if he would be able to handle much more.

I knelt down beside him and Ms. Blake, taking his hand in mine. "I'm so sorry," I whispered.

His jaw clenched as he squeezed my hand and looked down, sniffling a little. No one really did anything for a while as everyone tried to take in what was happening around us.

How did we stand a chance against this enemy when we barely knew anything about them?


Later that night Scott, Stiles and I all sat around the McCall dining table, untouched coffees going cold in front of us.

After another five minutes of silence, I cleared my throat. "So what happened? After we left, I mean."

Scott rubbed his eyes, "Derek wanted to deal with Boyd on his own, so he made us all leave. After that, he just. . . left."

"What do you mean 'left'?" Stiles enquired.

"Exactly how it sounds," our werewolf responded. "He left and no one has heard from him. Not even his sister."

I sighed as I rolled my head to stretch my neck, "Great. So he's left us here with the Alpha pack alone?"

Stiles shook his head, "I'm more worried about the fact that they want Derek, and he's not here. So what's going to happen if they don't get him?"

I still hadn't told them what Deucalion had said to me that night he had my mother killed. About how he would come to me again with his offer to help his pack. How he was so sure that I would say yes the next time he asked.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now