60|stop talking

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Hope you liked the end of that chapter, I know I did.

Thanks to those of you who actually came back and continued reading this mess, love you guys


I woke up with my head resting on Stiles' shoulder and his arm around me on the bus. A smile reached my lips as I remembered how the night had concluded.

We didn't do anything serious. After we spoke, we decided mutually that it wasn't the time or place for anything like that.

But that didn't matter one bit to me. I finally felt some sense of happiness for the first time in a long time - sacrifices aside. We had never really been official during our first attempt, so I liked to think we were starting fresh.

To be completely honest, I was more than happy to forget the fights we had had previously. All I knew right now, is that I never wanted to leave his side again.

Nearly losing him and Scott last night had really done a number on me. Besides Charlotte they were my only family, and I only had so much of that left to lose.

Taking a quick look around the bus I saw that Isaac, Boyd, Lydia, Allison and Scott were all still asleep. Last night had taken a lot out of all of us. We were just lucky to have all made it out alive.

Wriggling closer to Stiles, I closed my eyes once more in attempts to go back to sleep. I felt safe.

Well, up until the bus door opened and Coach walked in. "I don't want to know. I really don't want to know. But in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled, so we're heading home."

So basically, we went through all this for nothing. Sounds about right.

"Pack it in. Pack it in!" Coach shouted as the rest of the track team filtered onto the bus.

Ethan walked towards us, sitting down next to Scott who was on the seat in front of Stiles and me.
"I don't know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure you saved my life," the alpha said just loud enough that only those around him could hear.

Stiles unwrapped his arm from me to lean forward, "Actually, I saved your life, but not that it matters that much. It's just- it's minor details."

Scott had been looking at Stiles, while Ethan completely ignored him, continuing to talk to our friend as if we weren't there. "So I'm gonna give you something. We're pretty sure Derek's still alive."

Scott's eyes widened immediately, glancing at us for a brief moment. He was taken completely by surprise, considering he had basically just finished forcing himself to accept that Derek was long dead.

"But he killed one of ours. That means one of two things can happen. Either he joins our pack. . ."

"And he kills his own," Scott said softly.

Ethan nodded, "Or Kali goes after him, and we kill him. That's the way it works."

Stiles butted in once again, "You know, your little code of ethics there is sort of barbaric, just F.Y.I."

The alpha just rolled his eyes before walking away to join Danny.

"Derek killed Ennis," I mumbled beneath my breath. "He's actually dead."

Stiles took a hold of my hand, squeezing it gently. "Well, I for one, am glad."


"Because, you're not a killer, Riley. You would never have gone through with it, no matter how many times you said you would. This way, you can at least move on."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 ▷ Stiles Stilinski¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora