Chapter 5: Confession

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Chapter 5:


I was starting to worry why Renesmee still hadn't returned when Jasper started to fidget nervously.

"She's on her way Bella, don't worry. She's already making me feel nervous enough."

"Sorry, it's an instinct for me to worry over her."

"I know Bella, just try not to worry, alright?"

As she stepped into the house she was biting her lip and looking around the floor nervously. She had a letter in her hand but I couldn't read it as it was in a blank envelope.

Jake ran over to her and was looking for anything that could have harmed her, she was that nervous.

"Family meeting," she managed to utter after several tries.

I looked at Edward for some sort of indication of what's gotten our daughter this nervous. But he simply had his eyes furrowed.

Renesmee cleared her throat.

She looked at Esme and Carlisle, tears started glistening in her eyes.

"I received an acceptance letter today, from Wife Swap."

Everything was silent. No one moved, Renesmee almost broke into silent sobs as she continued to watch Esme and Carlisle with pleading eyes.

"Don't cry, we'll figure something out. It's going to be alright. Come here, give me a hug." Esme reassured her upon the threat of waterworks.

"It's no ones fault, you had no choice and you knew that we'd make fun of you, had you told us it was your favorite show. I would have done the same if I were you." Emmett chimed in.

Thankfully she started to calm down again and didn't seem so anxious and scared anymore after this. However I could still see a trace of fear in my daughter as her eyes fluttered to Carlisle.

I now understand.

She's scared that Carlisle and Esme will blame her for this or resent her, even though she knows they would never do such a thing.

"So, where is my beautiful wife going to be going?"

"The Letter said that she'll be in Vermont, St. Franklin. With the Delany family who've got 7 children." she took another breath and suddenly appeared nervous yet again. "We're going to be the 500th episode..."

Esme gasped and her eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"What's the special edition going to be this time?" she asked almost giddily.

Carlisle smiled at them both and spoke up, "thank you, I know you didn't do this because you necessarily wanted to but I think this will be fun for us all and also educational. So? What's going to be special about the episode?"

"Instead of being the normal length of time, 2 weeks, it's going to be for an entire month. However we get a weekly Skype call with every member of the family for 10 minutes because it's longer than usual." Renesmee admitted whilst chewing on her lower lip.

Alice's smile radiated with her excitement.

"That means we need to go shopping, get you enough new outfits for an entire month! Oh, can we do your wardrobe and packing. Please?"

"You already do Alice, you do it for everyone. Me included." I grumbled aloud.

She stuck out her tongue in response.

"Yes please, girls. That means I'll have one less thing to do whilst preparing everything."

Throughout this conversation the rest of us were going through the motions as they came and went. Even with extra brain capacity and storage space it was a lot to take in.

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