Chapter 9: First day at the Delany household

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Chapter 9:

First day at the Delany household

Once five o'clock came around in the morning I had already read several books on the kindle Bella had kindly packed for me, so I would have a form of entertainment throughout the nights. I finished the last three percent of the book I was reading and got up. After taking a shower, getting dressed and putting on my make-up it had only just gone twenty past five. So I decided to clean the en-suite to pass time. After another ten minutes I headed downstairs from my third story bedroom.

"Good morning Esme." said a rather blurry-eyed looking Rob.

"Good morning. How are you today?" I replied whilst smiling in his direction.

"Ah, a morning person." He shook his head at me ruefully.

"I'm guessing your not?" I teased.

"I need to have my coffee before I can function, unfortunately I don't know how to use this coffee machine." he grumbled.

"Don't worry, I'll make you a fresh cup of coffee." I chirped.

"You know how to use this thing?" he asked in awe whilst indicating towards the corner it was in, coffee-beans were overflowing from the top. He'd obviously attempted to use it himself already.

"No. I know how to make a cup of coffee the old fashioned way, it was my dad's favorite drink when he was still with us." I smiled, happy that I was able to help him.

"I'm sorry Esme, I didn't know or I wouldn't have brought it up." he quickly apologized.

"Don't worry, honestly I can hardly even remember my dad, he died a long time ago. I'm just glad to be of use, it's also one of the few memories I have of my dad, preparing him his morning cup of coffee before he went of to work." I assured him, whilst taking out a mortar and pestle from one of the cupboards.

Then crushing a handful of coffee-beans with it I pulled out the milk carton from the fridge and poured some into the coffee mug Rob had given me. I opened the microwave, set it for two minutes and began on the children's breakfast- waffles.

"I'm sorry Esme I was stopping you from getting things done, now you'll probably be late or won't get any breakfast." said Rob remorsefully.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled. "I have sixteen children at home. I've long ago learned the art of cooking in a small amount of time. I also don't eat breakfast. Unhealthy, I know. Breakfast tends to make me feel nauseous though."

The microwave beeped signaling the milk was ready.

I grabbed the mortar containing the fine coffee-grains and mixed them into the cup of moderately hot milk. Then handed it to Rob whilst placing the waffle mixture into the waffle-iron. Next was the packed lunch.

"What do they normally have for lunch Rob?"

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