Chapter 13: Third day with the Cullens

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Chapter 13:

Third day with the Cullens

Knowing the cameras would be watching us now in particular since the directors know by now that we're up to something, we'd all set our alarms the previous night. After that Edward and I had decided to read some books in the moonlight whilst we were 'sleeping'.

It is now three am and our alarms are all going off. If it weren't for Alice I'd have been worried they'd wake up Keira before we'd set everything up for her.

We quickly wash and get dressed before heading downstairs to meet up with the others.

"Good morning" yawned Nahuel.

"Good morning? Good morning? You mean great morning by that, right? I mean we are allowed to play pranks from now on." Teased Emmett.

"Yeah. Great. Let's get going, some of us still need some more sleep." mumbled Nahuel.

Guilt washed over me as I realized he'd only slept for a few hours and won't be able to sleep again until tonight.

"Sorry. I should have thought about your sleep pattern more, Nahuel."

"It's alright Bella." He smiled at me reassuringly, "I'm awake now. I would have been more upset had we not done it now just because I am one of the few of us who's got a regular sleeping pattern."

"Alright. Let's go, we need to go to the post office before they come here with the delivery truck, it'd ruin everything, as it would most likely wake up Keira. Now remember if she catches us when we return, act drunk and pretend we've been out clubbing since yesterday night. She went up to bed at around ten o'clock yesterday so we'll say we went out at around quarter to eleven." I repeated the plan for the cameras benefit more than anyone else's.

"Right, we all know the plan. Get to the post office and take all the stuff we ordered in our cars. Tanya, Kate, Garrett, Eleazar, Carmen and Nahuel you all take your cars. Bella you take your Mercedes Guardian, Edward your Volvo, Alice you take your car and Jasper you take Bella's Ferrari. I'll take my car, Emmett you'll take the Jeep. Jake you take your car, Leah you take Edward's Aston Martin and Seth you take Carlisle's Mercedes." Rose said whilst we were walking to the garage.

Just as we'd expected, just as we'd stepped out of the front door there were an extra two cameramen who were filming us and their black vehicle. So that they'd be able to come along. Their vehicle reminded me of the 1993 Chevy Astor Tyler Crowley used to drive before dad took away his drivers license all those years ago...

Rose had realized we'd be followed anyway so she'd contacted the director of wife swap last night and made a deal with them. They're allowed to follow us around as long as they leave us alone when we say we want our privacy. This way they won't follow us into the woods thinking we're planning something whilst we're mid-hunt.

One of the cameramen followed us into the garage, I don't think that they've ever seen it before. At least I don't think he's been in here from his facial expression, it was awe struck.

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