Chapter 3

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It was around 10 pm when Jess decided to come back with my car. I thought maybe he forgot that I needed that later on today, but no. What did he do? He turned his phone off. I called him about ten times and Nalani more than that. And Lani had her phone on she just didn't answer.

So guess what I had to do. I had to blow up Liv's phone which made her mad. She finally kicked Jess out, but he decided to take his sweet time. Isn't he the most considerate person ever? No.

As he soon as he walked in I yanked the keys from his hands. Ryot gave him a you're in deep shit look, but I'll let Jess have it later. Right now I need to fulfill my promise, if Efa isn't asleep.

I drove down to Manni's house getting there in ten minutes. The lights were off inside so they were probably asleep, but I'll take my chances. I opened the door up, quietly stepping in.

Efa was in a ball asleep, leaning against mom's shoulder. She was asleep too. I quietly sat my keys down, staring at the two.

"Aeron," Manni whispered from down the hall, slightly waking up mom.

She gestured for me to come to her. They must've just finished eating, because Manni was still cleaning her dishes. I picked up a towel helping her dry.

"I need you to hear me out, okay?"


"Your mother has been through a lot, whether you know that or not. She's been through more than anything you could imagine. So don't try to treat her like crap, because her past is clouding your memories. She knows how you feel. But don't hate her for something you don't know about."

For something I didn't know about? I was there. Manni wasn't. Manni doesn't know everything I do. I never said I hated my mother, I just don't too much care for the woman. Her and dad decided on the life they wanted to live and didn't care what would happen to me.

For Manni to say she's been through a lot, she's obviously never tried to step foot in my shoes. Even without my parents here my life was a living hell. There wasn't a day that went by, before I left this place, that hasn't pained me in some way.

"Just give her a try, Aeron," she finished softly.

"Trying is a lot different from doing, Manni. So don't get confused when my trying isn't your doing."

She nodded, patting me on the shoulder. I headed back to the living room. Mom was awake staring at the tv.

She sat perfectly still with Efa still on her shoulder. It was like she was avoiding, having Efa lay somewhere else. But that's the funny thing about her, you could be moving around a ton and she would never wake up.

"How long has she been asleep," I asked coming around the couch.

"An hour and thirteen minutes," mom said, looking down at her. "I'm guessing you've come to steal her away."

"I made a promise."

She smiled slightly, looking at the ground. "You were always that way. Refusing to break your promises. Efa, reminds me of you in a way."

Well I mean she was my sister. I would think she would remind her of me too. But I'm not here to make small talk right now. I'm here because I wanted to get my sister. And I'd really hate to wake her, but oh well.

I knelt next to Efa, waking her up. She stretched like a cat, squinting up at me then the clock. "I was starting to think you forgot about me."

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