Chapter 8

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"Aeron," Jess yelled.

I ran downstairs afraid of whatever I might see. Nothing was out of the ordinary. The guys were both standing there fine. So why did a gun go off?

"What happened?"

Jess grabbed onto my shoulders, holding me still. "Don't freak out. Okay?"

I nodded, pushing his hands off of me, still trying to see what damage was done. And then I saw it. The thing that seriously was about to send me over edge. Jess turn my head so that I was looking back at him.

"We can figure this out, we j-"

"But why do this," I said gesturing to it.

Someone shot through the window. It was an obvious hit if someone was sitting on the couch. But along with that was a box, filled with pictures of us. And I mean pictures that meant that somebody watched us.

"Maybe they were trying to send a message, I don't know. Peopl-"

"Wait, what about the notes from before."

He took them out of his pockets and handed them to me.

The one with his name on it said:

The oldest, but not exactly. Only the young are so oblivious. You need to see the bigger picture.

Ryot's said:

Things happen for a reason. If you look far ahead, you can't see clearly. The easiest move is in front of you. Give it a shot.

Well I can be sure a shot was made. So both their notes happened. It seemed like theirs were more of an advice than mine. A lot like advice actually.

"I'll be back," I said going upstairs.

I grabbed my phone to text my mom. If someone can look through the messages, good. They can know what's up.

Me: Hey Efa give Mom your phone. I need to ask her something.


Mom: Your question?

Me: do you by chance have anything from Tanner. Like written.

Mom: give me a minute to look.

It was just a hunch, but it seemed like it could be Tanner doing this. Maybe it was him the whole time. I went downstairs to Sanders' office. I had to be extremely lucky, because I found exactly what I was looking for.

The notes from before. I read all of them and tried to look for clues. This person was never killing anyone, just leading us to where it was happening...The next move.

My phone buzzed.

Mom: this was all I could find.

It was a picture with numbers scribbled on it. I'm not in expert of codes, but Cat is and it's not worth the time to bother her. Plus it was probably something just for mom to know. I don't need to know the message I just needed the style of writing. And so far it matched.

So now it's a serious game of hide and seek. I guess Tanner does want to be found. But how do I tell the guys.

When I went back in the family room they were putting the pictures in chronological order. Well Jess was, Ryot was on the phone.

"Then leave. You don't have to stay there the whole time... Here talk to, Jess."

"Hey, Iris," Jess said cheerfully even though his face said something else. "Yeah I hear you. It is terrible."

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now