Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since Nalani was shot. She's still not responding and she's not looking any better. I couldn't see her. It's not like I didn't want to it's just i get so angry seeing her like that. I get sad and angry and I'm not sure if that's a good mix. Plus memories of seeing her sort of like that before resurfaced from who knows where.

All I know is that we were kids and she wasn't looking so good. She was in the arms of her mother and she also wasn't looking good. Worse than Lani actually. All I know is that Lani slept and slept and eventually one day she woke up like nothing happened. Of course that was after I didn't see them for awhile. I honestly thought they were gone, but they weren't. Somehow they were still locked away in my basement and-

"Aeron, question 5 for the third time, please," the teacher said.

"Sorry," I said glancing down at the book. "It's C, because laws of physics."

He nodded and turned to write something on the board. I returned back to my thoughts and stared blankly at my blank paper. I've been too out of it the past few days and everyone is making it worse by constantly asking if I'm okay. They shouldn't be worried about me. I'm not the one who was shot is the chest and is sitting in a hospital bed unconscious.

Asher tapped my shoulder and I shrugged it off. I'm not very happy with that house, because they won't say what happened. When they talk, I will respond.

He sighed and tossed a note on my desk. I opened it trying to read his awful handwriting.

Look  we (my house) have been doing some talking and we've agreed to anything you want us to do. We understand the pain you're going through and we're deeply sorry it happened. So please accept.

I crumbled the paper, not even glancing back or anything. I needed to think. This is my choice and something that won't be taken lightly.

At the end of class I took my time packing up and so did he. Did I forget to mention Cole is also in this class? Well Cole also took his time and watched me.

"Okay," I told Asher. "If anyone refuses I will be very upset. So if you guys agree you can't back out."

"Yeah of course. When did you want to start," he asked leading the way out so that the teacher can get out of our business.


"As in right now?" I nodded and he said something under his breath. "Fine. FUCK, AERON!"

I stepped back in surprise and he pushed me, causing me to trip. I fell flat on my butt, just a bit confused. Of course I couldn't just let him do that, so I kicked him and things happened and now we have detention.

There was a perfectly good reason for him to land me in detention although I didn't like it. Let's see Ryot and Iris are in there and then three of his seven is in there because of my two. So therefore he wanted my people around before I did anything. He didn't say it but I knew that was why.

"For the last time, I didn't do it. If I had wanted to kill the girl I would've done it earlier."

I looked over at the girl and she eyed me with irritation. "Do you honestly feel that is helping me any." She rolled her eyes facing away. I stood up and Ryot pulled me back. "Let me go."


"Let. Me. Go," I struggled in his arms. "You can't control what I do and what I say, so quit trying."

"I'm not doing this as a friend or boyfriend, it just needs to be done. Now sit down. We won't find out anything if we're fighting."

I sat down, but I wasn't happy about it. I'll play nice but only for a little. I can't do it for long.

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