Chapter 10

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I named her Luna. Cole thought I should name her Moon Moon, but I was like no that's stupid. So he calls her Moon Moon and Bas calls her Dodge even though I strictly told them not to.

Marci came with us on the ride back she wanted to finally meet everyone, even my mom. Which was weird, but we got everyone to meet up at Sanders' house. Of course Bas had to stay around, Marci refused to have him leave.

When we arrived there, I didn't expect Ryot to have a bruise and cut on his cheek. Iris stayed in the other corner with a ice pack to her lips. Marci gasped at the sight of them too.

"What's with the dog," Iris snapped.

"What's with the lip?"

She pointed at Ryot, who just smirked at her. I shook my head at the two and took Luna out to meet Zeus. He trotted over sniffing and circling her. I backed up so they could get a feel for each other. Zeus growled at her and Luna attempted to do the same. He held his head to the side and nuzzled her. Once I knew they would be safe together I left them to play.

"Hey," Ryot said awkwardly as I was walking in.


"I just want to-"

I smiled going up to hug him. He hugged me back tight. Then we kind of stood there like that for a little until Nalani came in knocking.



She let out an irritated sigh and rolled her eyes. "Because I was the designated one to be the bearer of bad news." I grumbled, heading up. She followed closing the door behind her. "There's no lead of what happened to Maya or how things went down. But Sanders did say that after Christmas break we're being sent to some boarding school in Vermont."

I nodded and she left out with nothing else to say. She said there was no lead, but we're going to Vermont to a boarding school. Maya went to a boarding school in Vermont. So there had to be something going on there since that's where we're headed off to.

I went back down after thinking about things some more. Marci was arm wrestling Iris and right now Iris was struggling. The guys laughed a little, while Iris was seconds from losing.

"And where did you two meet," Jess asked Cole .

"A concert. She was sneaking in."

She scoffed at him, ending the arm wrestling in one second. Iris just kind of sat there staring at her arm in defeat.

"If you want to be technical he let me in. He's not a very good security guard." He rolled his eyes and she slapped at his stomach. "So how'd you and Nalani become a thing?"

They both laughed nervously, glancing at the floor. They were blushing really hard, not saying anything, well to us. They made noises to themselves that only they understood.

"If you're not going to say it I will," I said chiming in. "It was a long stakeout. One that I wish I hadn't have volunteered for now."

Marci inclined her head and ohhed. Lani shot me a quick glare but I didn't care. Jess didn't too much mind.

"Well then let's talk about you and Ryot," she said teasingly.

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now