C H A P T E R - 10

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reminder: did you pray your salah yet?

reminder: did you pray your salah yet?

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Chapter Ten

The day dragged on far more than Hareem liked, but the hour finally came when she exited the classroom in tow with two other classmates. One being a girl called Dania, and the other being Farah, a member from the History club. They made their way to the third floor college library through the staircase. Despite it being four pm and the halls mostly deserted, they decided against taking the elevator because Farah wanted to get her ten thousand steps in. Hareem was satisfied with that request since she too needed all the exercise she could get.

Her stomach growled on cue, reminding her once again about how hungry she was. Whether the diet made her lose weight or not, she was sure she would lose her mind with the restricted eating.

Only a few more hours. She reminded herself, picturing the chicken steak she had to eat for dinner according to the weight loss diet plan.

"Let's sit over there," Farah suggested, pointing to a table.

The trio sat down at the four-seater table smack in the middle of the library. Tall bookshelves gave them privacy, but at the same time, the librarian's window was right across them, so they were in the constant eye of the administration.

The girls sat on one side each, Hareem in the middle and across the empty seat intended for Momin.

"I hope we get done quickly," commented Farah. "My driver is waiting outside."

"I agree, my brother has to return to work after dropping me home," Dania agreed. Hareem nodded at them in understanding.

Earlier in the day she had called her mother and had informed her that she would be taking an extra Calculus class.

"What about your bus then?" Her mother had asked, concerned. The last bus left the campus at four-fifteen pm.

"Um, I'll take a rickshaw." She hadn't thought about the situation that far, but she was sure she would manage.

"I don't know Hareem, rickshaws aren't safe, especially when you're alone."

"Then..is Baba home?" She heard her mother sigh on the other end.

"Not right now," there was a pause "how about you call us when you're done and we can work something out, okay?" Hareem nodded to herself. "You're someone else's amanah now.."

The last bit confused her, but she dismissed it as her eyes fell towards the entrance of the library, from where a figure was approaching them. It was Momin. Someone else's amanah. Hareem felt heat rise to her cheeks as she watched Momin push back his dark hair from falling on his face. That was what her mother had meant, that she was simply someone else's amanah living under their roof now.

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