C H A P T E R - 45

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There are some passages in the later half of this chapter which may be uncomfortable for some, I have put a warning on there. This chapter is also wordy, so I would suggest getting done with your obligations, hydrating yourself, and finding a room to read this in because there might be tears, and a whole spectrum of facial expressions which may disturb those around you.

Happy reading!

Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five

I did close the window, didn't I?

Momin massaged his temples, reflecting on whether he had closed all the windows and doors before leaving his loft. He was heading to his hometown for the next three weeks, which was enough time to have water come into the apartment, moisten the wooden cupboards, have mold grow and potentially destroy his home.

"Do you want it in the trunk or back seat?" Ahmed asked him, exiting through the gates with the bag of clothes in his arms.

"Back seat is fine." Momin mumbled, watching his brother-in-law put away Hareem's clothes.

The couple had mutually decided that since they were furnishing the guest bedroom, it was wise to have some of Hareem's personal things in there for when she would visit, like a few pairs of shalwar kameez suits, an extra hair and tooth brush, and a pair of sandals.

It wasn't anything major, but it was change nonetheless. It was only a little while ago that they were getting to know each other, and within that short time frame they had grown close enough to have their personal things at each other's homes.

Momin bit his nails, feeling a little unsettled. His worries extinguished as soon as Hareem stepped through the gate and out into the street where he had his car parked.

"Hareem," he began, reaching for her hand. "In a day or two could you visit the loft? I can't remember if I closed the kitchen window."

Her face broke into a grin, after which she said, "Of course, I'll use my set of the house keys."

Her cheeks colored as she thought about her pink beaded H keyring that was identical to Momin's blue beaded M. He had given it to her a couple of days ago when he took her to her third appointment with the psychologist.

"Thank you," his tone was full of relief. "I had to set up two pedestal fans to dry the damage last time. Do you know how cold I felt that day? I thought I was going to get pneumonia."

Hareem laughed at his brooding, enjoying how he had managed to become more of himself around her, someone who was so different from the image he gave off.

"This too?" Ahmed asked, reappearing again but this time with a tupperware of dessert that Hareem had made for Momin's parents.

Momin withdrew his hand from Hareem's as soon as Ahmed's eyes fell on them. He ran his hand along the exterior of the car as if that was his intention the entire time.

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