C H A P T E R - 36

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"And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect." (30:21)

Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Being a History major, Hareem had been taught that history repeated sooner or later, yet she had held onto the hope that Aima would be different, that her misfortune with friendship wouldn't repeat. She had convinced herself after years of being alone that Aima deserved a chance, that friendship deserved another chance.

But history had repeated, and it felt nothing less than torture.

Her heart ached as she reflected on Aima's words from earlier. She had seemed so sure about what she was doing, using Layla and exposing the deep truths Hareem had confessed to her. She felt crushed despite Momin comforting her with soothing words. He caressed her hand, telling her that everything would be okay.

"I don't know," she whispered, taking a deep breath as they sat side by side in the backseat of Momin's car that same day. "I don't know how I'm going to move on from this."

"You will, Hareem. You've been so strong so far, you'll do it again." He assured her. "And this time you aren't alone. You have me and your parents, and if you like, a therapist too." She glanced at him, noticing the expectant look on his face.

How could he be so strong, she wondered. How could he stand tall against the trials of life and still be unaffected.

"Let's go back inside," he finally whispered, offering her his hand. "With what I just did, I'm probably going to get fired..so might as well have the final show together." Hareem gasped as she registered his words.

"I'm so sorry, what will we do now?" Panic laced her face. Intoxicated in her own grief she had completely forgotten about what Momin had done for her. "I'm so sorry!" She buried her face in her hands, hyperventilating.

Her thoughts were all over the place as she admonished herself, thinking that if she hadn't reacted like that, if she had been a little thoughtful, Momin wouldn't have had to run after her like that, risking his job. Regret swirled through her, replacing the numbness of her sadness.

"It's okay Hareem, reall-"

"I should have been careful," she exclaimed in a distressed tone. "I always mess-"

"Whoa, we're not thinking along those lines." He interrupted her. "None of what happened was your fault, so don't even think along those lines."

"But it is, your reputation is soiled! Everyone saw you coming after me."

"Hareem, relax. It's not a big deal."

"It is!" She argued, her tone firm this time.

She was finding it frustrating how Momin refused to see eye to eye with her. From even before their marriage they had agreed to not share their relationship status with the University, and they had practiced on that until she had slipped up. It was her fault for creating a situation where Momin felt the need to break their promise and tend to her.

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