Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning, tired as usual. I had more nightmares last night so I got no sleep. I forced myself to sit up. All I could think about was the news that I got from my dads.

I was moving.

I was leaving.

Joining a pack.

The Silvermoon pack.

I needed to find my mate.

I was on a flight to Michigan tomorrow morning. Suddenly, I felt depressed. I climbed out of bed and had a shower. After I finished with my morning ritual and was dressed, I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my dads were waiting. I walked in and sat down in an empty chair.

"Morning." my dads said giving me sad smiles.

Star loved my dads as much as I did. They were her dads to. She took over, my icy blue eyes shining.

"I'm sorry." she whispered

"It's alright, Star" Jax says " We understand what you're going through but you have to understand that we want you to know what it feels like to live in a pack, as a family. Maybe you'll find your mate." Star perks up at this.

"I know...I'm just scared. What if they don't like me. I have abilities. I'm powerful. They might feel threatened." she finishes. David looks at her.

"Sweetie, you won't be showing your powers unless it's necessary, okay?They might try to hurt you, use you or worst case..kill you." That receives growls from around the table. I smile. I'm loved.

"I'll protect Sky with my life." she says "you can count on me."

"We know, love" Nathan says. I told you, a big softie.

"You will meet the pack tomorrow. They are expecting you. They are happy to have you. Alpha Ian is a friend of ours. He's a great man. You will do fine. Don't worry." Andrew tells me.

"Everyone is a friend of us, we are the elders" Xavier jokes. We all laugh

"I'm sorry again. I just got angry. I won't lose control again." she sighs looking at our dads in the eyes so they know she means it.

"We know you won't. Now let Sky back, we need to talk to her now." Jax says.

"Okay." she nods. "Love you guys."

"Love you too sweetie." everyone says before Star allows me control again. I look at my dads.

"We will let you settle into the pack for a few days and then we will visit." Xavier says smiling. I smile back but the smile drops. "Do they know I'm your daughter? I mean can I tell people?" I ask. Andrew was about to answer but Xavier cuts in.

"I have an idea." he says

"Oh this can't be good!" David says shaking his head. I chuckle as Xavier glares at him.

"Why don't you just not tell them anything and they will get one hell of a surprise when we arrive in a few days?" I smile wildly.

This will be fun.

"That could work." Andrew chimes in.We look at him."I only mentioned to the Alpha that you were joining but never mentioned the fact you're our daughter. He probably thinks we know your parents or something." he finishes waiting for my reaction. I nod but Star doesn't like the mentioning of our parents. She hasn't forgiven them for leaving us as a baby.

*"Calm down Star"

*"Sorry I just really hate them."

*"Well aren't you going to be a ray of sunshine when we join the pack." I joke

*"Shut up" she grumbles.

"So when I arrive at the pack and they ask questions about my parents.." a low growl escapes my lips " what will I say?"

"They won't ask" assures Jax "but if they do just make something up. Say your parents are rogues and they sent you there to experience a pack life."

"Okay." I say slowly a bit unsure.

"Shit!" I curse under my breath "I better go and ring Ellie and tell her the news." They nod, giving me hugs before I leave to go to my room. I grab my phone from the kitchen as I run upstairs. I ring her number and she answers immediately.

Well here goes nothing. I take a deep breath.

"Hello?" she chirps.

"Hey." I reply not knowing what to say.

"Shit, what's wrong?" she asks worry laced her voice. I take another deep breath and I tell her everything that's happened since yesterday when I last saw her. By the end of the phone all she is, is in tears. I hate to listen to her cry. It breaks my heart.

"When's your flight?" she asks hiccuping. I don't answer scared to hear her reaction.

"Skylar Evaline Winters, when is your flight?" she asks again. Crap she used my full name.

"Tomorrow morning." I murmur but I know she heard it. I brace myself.

3-2-1 "What?!" she screeches into the earpiece. I had to hold the phone away from my ear she was so loud.

"I'm sorry. I know it's short notice. Blame my dads. Star doesn't want to go either."

She sighs . "I'm going to miss you so much!" she exclaims.

"Will you see me off at the airport tomorrow morning?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course!" she squeals. I give her the flight information and I hang up. I sit on the edge of the bed. A tear rolls down my cheek. So much for not crying. I wipe it away quickly.

Now. Time to pack. Oh bother.

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