Chapter Six

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I was up all night packing. When I tried to go to sleep, I would wake from another nightmare. I rolled over and checked the time. My flight is at 10:00 and it was 6:30 now so time to get up. I got up slowly and hopped into the shower. After I had gotten dressed I packed away some of the things still left in my room. I looked around my room. It looked so bare. I sighed and sat at the side of my bed. 

* "Star?" 

* "Yes?" she asks quietly. I knew this whole joining another pack thing was affecting her. 

* "Things will be okay, I promise." 

She sighs * "I know." 

* "Maybe we will find our mate?"I say trying to brighten the mood. 

* "Ya!" she yips. I laugh. Bi-polar much? 

* "I have a feeling somethings going to happen. And soon." she says after sobering up. 

* "I have the same feeling." 

* "Well of course you do! I am you, you are me..Duh! 

* " Shut up!" And that's when I tuned her out.

When everything was packed and I was ready to go it was almost 8:00. I sigh. I didn't bother with breakfast, I didn't think my stomach could hold it. My dads piled into two cars and drove ahead of me. I drove to Ellies house and picked her up. 

She was depressed as was I. The drive to the airport was silent. Both of us in our own thoughts. We arrived at the airport and I bought my ticket. My stomach was churning. I looked at Ellie and she had tears flowing down her face. I wrapped her in a hug. 

"I won't be gone for long. You will have to visit me." I say hoping to cheer her up. 

She smiled slightly. "Of course I'll visit you! What type of friend would I be if I didn't?" she asks incredulously. " Ring me and keep me updated on everything. Got it?" she threatens.

The bubbly Ellie I love coming back from her depressed state. 

"Got it." I give her a big hug before turning to my dads who are waiting patiently for their turn to say goodbye. I could see human girls eye goggling them. They were young looking and handsome. Perks of being a werewolf.

They walk up to me wrapping me up in hugs."Call us when you get there." Andrew says. 

"Don't show anyone your powers or your wolf until absolutely necessary." David pipes in.

"Stay safe." Nathaniel chimes in "Kick any butts that need to be kicked." I laugh. 

Xavier comes up to me "Train in private if they still don't know about you powers okay?" I nod.

"Of course."  

I then turn to Jax who I notice just now is crying. 

"I'm going to miss you babygirl." I hug him "Ring me any time day or night especially if you have one of your nightmares. I don't care." Jax says looking at me straight in the eye.

I smile sadly. "We will see you soon no need for crying." Andrew says looking at me. 

I give him a confused face causing everyone to laugh. 

I touch my face to find out that yes, I was crying. I wipe them away, staring at the family I'm leaving behind. 

My flight is announced. I grab my bags saying goodbye one last time. 

I sit on the plane waiting for my life to change. 

What am I talking about? It already has.

Silvermoon Pack. Here I come.


Thanks for reading!please comment vote

Sinead xx

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