Chapter Twenty Four

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~Authors note at the end~

I sit down in front of the Moon Goddess, my mother with my mouth agape.

"What did you just say?" She looks at me with softness but her eyes show seriousness. I watch her as she sits in her throne, head held high, elegance and power radiating off of her.

"Since you won't be...there to fight you must help your pack as much as possible."

She rises from her chair and glides silently across the floor. She waves her hand and a glass table suddenly appears. She gestures for me to approach the table. I approach it with caution. When I finally reach it she raises her hand again and waves it over the table. I gasp at the table begins to ripple like water. I squint as an image slowly forms. The image stills and I stare at it puzzled.

"What am I looking at....exactly?"

"This is the rogue and hunter base camp. There are others spread out all over the place so they can attack from all angles. But this" she points to the small warehouse with guards surrounding it "is where they hold the weapons." I nod in understanding.

"And you want me to destroy them?"


As I look down at the watery image, I think of my pack, Ellie, Blake, Hannah, Alpha Ian, Nick, and Anne. I think of beloved mate, Cameron. I think of my future. What could have been. My mom told me there is a way I could go back. But at a cost. My hands clench at my sides as I stare hard at the portal.

I'll do anything to be with my loved ones again. To be with Cameron, get married and have children. A tear slips out of my eye. I turn away quickly but my mom sees it. Gently grabbing my chin she turns my head back towards her and rubs the remainder of the tears with her thumb. I smile up at her. I break the comfortable silence with an important question.

"What do I do?" She turns me around so I can see the base camp.

"You need to enter here." She points at a back entrance. "Maroc will transport you nearby in the forest and the rest is up to you. Once you enter you need to find the room holding the weapons."

"How do-?"

"Follow your nose. It will reak of silver."

"Okay, how do I destroy them exactly?" She grins.

"Blow them up!"

" exactly?" She rolls her eyes.

"There are barrels of gun powder in that room. Use your fire element to destroy them."

I nod "Ya,I got it."

I was determined. If this is the only thing I can do to help us win the war then I will do everything in my power to complete the mission. The image slowly disappears. I turn to my mom who smiles sadly at me.

"Now sweetie, Maroc will take you to the warehouse. You know what to do from there."


"Yes, the war is tomorrow."

"What?" I breath out in shock. How is this possible? My body goes numb as I try to process what I had been told.

"H-How?" She sighs and makes eye contact.

"Well...for every five minutes you spend up here is the equivalent of one day on earth." My eyes widen and my heart beats frantically.

"And how long have I been here for?" My voice quivers uncontrollably as I wait in anticipation.

"You have been missing on earth for 6 days."

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