Chapter Thirteen

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I start to hyperventilate. Cam rubs soothing circles on my back trying to calm me down.

"How did you know?" I croak out. Alpha Ian smiles warmly at me making me relax.

"I knew the moment I met you that you were very powerful and destined for greatness. You sensed the rogues before they even attacked. And you jumped in front of Luna Hannah, a stranger to you, and saved her life. I pieced it together after that." He says gauging my reaction. I'm shocked to say the least. He knew all along?

"Okay..." I say slowly.

"So is it true?" someone asks from the otherside of the bonfire. I gulp. I turn to Cameron who nods and kisses me on the cheek. I turn to face the crowd.

I take a deep breath. "Yes." I state "I am the rare silver wolf that the prophecy speaks of. I am more powerful than an Alpha." Alpha Ian chuckles.

"I can control the elements:air, water, fire and earth. I can hide my scent and turn invisible. I am stronger, faster and bigger than an average werewolf or Alpha. I can teleport, use a force field and I have healing powers." I finish.

Wow. It was good to finally tell someone. I look around to see the looks of admiration, pride and shock.

"My wolf is silver." I continue "with a moon tattoo on my right hind leg. I have never heard of the prophecy until now but I guess it makes sense." I say sighing.

Blake interrupts the silence."Can you show us? Your powers I mean." he asks "It's okay if you don't-" I cut him off.

"Sure." Everyone leans in slightly eager to witness the famous powers that they have heard about.

I start by showing them the elements. I use air to lift a drink out of a mans hand and let it dance around his head. He looked on in utter shock probably waiting for it to fall but it never did.

Next I quenched the fire using a lot of water. I then used the element air to quickly dry them out. I click my fingers watching the flame as it dances at my fingertips. I looked to the dumbfounded faces of the pack. It was quite comical.

I forced the fire to spread to my hand and threw it on the sticks causing the bonfire to once again light up. Everyone jumped back in surprise as the fire came to life. Bigger then it was before.

I hid my scent and turned invisible. I watched in amusement as people looked around confused. I crept around the fire and pushed one of the teens off the log causing him to curse out loud as he fell in a heap on the ground. I stifled a laugh as I moved around to the Alpha.

I went up behind him making sure not to touch him. I stood in front of him becoming visible and screaming "BOO!!" in his face. Who knew he would shriek like a little girl? I laughed so damn hard. His face was priceless.

After I calmed down I made a force field around the fire containing the flames inside a ball. I then teleported over to the Luna who was still on the log on the otherside. I landed in front of her and she yelped in surprise. Members gasped as so moved quicker then they thought possible. I gave Hannah a hug as she laughed her bell like laugh.

I stopped to look around. "That's it." I say ".....well except the healing powers." I was about to ask for a volunteer when I was rudely interrupted. A young teen stumbles out of the trees with a bottle in hand. To get a werewolf drunk you would have to drink alot of alcohol. And this boy was wasted.

I sigh and walk over to him, everyone watching my every move. He looks at me cautiously.

"What do-hiccup-you want?" he slurs. My nose wrinkles in disgust at the over powering stench of alcohol.

"I'm trying to show everyone my healing powers. Want me to make you feel better?" I step forward but he stumbles back.

"Get away from me you bitch! Don't touch me! I don't want to see your stupid powers. Why?'Cause you are a FREAK!" he shouts venomously.

I stood there stunned. I was only trying to help. I never thought that by showing my powers, people would think I'm a freak. Tears trickle down my face. There is a ferocious growl that sends a shiver down my spine. I hear a loud thump as Cameron grabs the boys neck and pins him to the closest tree.

"How dare you speak to my mate and your future Luna like that!" he seethed.

"My mate is not a FREAK! She is an amazing person with special abilities that your pea sized brain could never comprehend. My mate only wanted to help you and you had the balls to disrespect her instead. Say your sorry or so help me I will snap your neck!" he bellows.

Everyone bows due to the force of his Alpha force. The boy turns to me terrified for his life."I'm so s-sorry L-Luna it won't happen again." he stutters.

Cameron slams him into the tree once more before dropping him roughly to the ground.

"Get out of my sight!" he exclaims. The boy bows and scampers off.

I stood there not able to comprehend what just happened. One word was the only thing that I could think about.


I always knew I was one and I just received confirmation. I blink back the tears. I then notice Cameron standing in front of me. His mouth moving but no words coming out. He looks at me worried.

"I'm a freak." I whispered before I collapsed seeing only black.


Hey so sorry for late update!But to make it up to you I'm going to update the next chap before tonight:P

Please take a look at my other book:D First chap is up and I will be updating second chap soon too!

Thanks for reading



Sinead xx

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