Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Aishling O'Connell

The plane touched down 4hrs later(A:N sorry if that is wrong). It felt like an eternity. Thoughts were running through my head.

What is the pack like? What if they hate me? Will they think that I'm a freak? Try to kill me?

I gulp. More importantly how will Star react. 

* "I'm fine." she sighs. 

* "Okay." I don't press her on the matter and make my way off the plane. Before I go to baggage claim I ring my dads and Ellie to tell them that I arrived safely. I look around and spot a man holding a sign with "Winter" on it. I sniff the air discretely. He is a werewolf. Star rolls her eyes at this. I ignore her as I watch the unknown man carefully. As I get closer I realise he is the pack Beta. 

"Skylar Winters?" he asks.

"Yes." I nod shaking his hand firmly.

"I'm Nick." he says looking at me cautiously. He can probably feel the power radiating off of me. Star is trying to intimidate him. Very subtle Star.

I tell Star to ease up and she does so he doesn't suspect much. 

"I'm Sky." I tell him as he grabs my bags. 

"Nice to meet you." He then continues to lead me to a black SUV and I clamber in. "Are you excited about joining the Silvermoon pack?" he asks glancing at me sideways. 

"Sure." I say unsurely.

"You don't sound sure." he joked. 

"I'm just nervous."  I look down at my shaking hands. 

"Don't be" he reassures "everyone is excited to have a new pack member." I relax and turn to him. 

"So..tell me about the pack." I say breaking the silence.

I find out that Alpha Ian and his mate Hannah can't have kids so they adopted a boy they found in the woods a few years ago. I didn't catch his name. Nicks mates name is Anne and they have a son Blake who will be Beta after his father. 

We drive through a small town. I spot a small cafe , a few small shops, a library and further down a supermarket. 10mins after we leave the quaint town we are surrounded in forest. Star is at peace which relaxes me. 

"We're here." Nick announces. 

I look up as we approach a huge mansion. My eyes bulge. Wow this is big. I knew a packhouse would have to be big but I was not expecting this. We drive through the big black iron gates and up the driveway.

I admire the house. It's beautiful. No beautiful is an understatement. The house is white with huge pillars in the front. I spot a bit of green ivy on the side which makes it all the more homey. The house is surrounded in trees, perfect for werewolves. It has a big large garden in the front where a small fountain sits in the middle. My guess is that the pond is full of fish. I notice a lot of flowers planted around the place adding to its beauty. Mmmmm...the Alphas mate must like flowers. Star scoffs. 

* "You think?" she asks sarcastically. 

I roll my eyes and I blush when I realise the pack are standing outside waiting for me as I just sat mouth agape. I look at the huge crowd and start to feel nervous again. 

"Well that's not intimidating at all." I mutter, Star agreeing with me. Nick laughs. Crap I forgot he could hear me. 

We park in front of the house and I hesitantly get out. Star is on alert as am I. This is a new experience for both of us. Nick gets my bags as I approach the steps.

Alpha Ian is waiting there with his mate Hannah. Star trys to intimidate him like she did with the Beta. Bad idea. The alpha growls feeling threatened. I bow my head as a sign of respect, he stops growling. 

* "Ease up Star."I warn.

* "Fine." she grumbles.

"Sky." I introduce myself to the Alpha by shaking his hand confidently. 

"I'm Alpha Ian." he replies gruffly. I sigh. We are not off to a good start. His mate, the Luna places her hand on his arm and he instantly relaxes. 

Star saddens, she wants that. 

"I'm Luna Hannah." she smiles warmly trying to cover up for her mates rudeness. I smile back and shake her hand.

I look around at the crowd gathered here to welcome me. Children bouncing with excitement, happy to have a new person to play with. Parents eye me curiously while others are expressionless. 

Suddenly, Star becomes alert and a growl escapes my lips before I can stop it. Everyone looks at me startled. I notice the Alpha and Beta stand in front of their mates as do other males.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I say aloud. Before the Alpha can question I quickly answer.

"Rogues." Just as about 20 odd rogue wolves step out from the treeline baring their teeth.

Oh Shit!! 


Another chap..thanks for reading! 



Sinead xx

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