10 Ten Years Later

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Skylar's POV

"Bradley, Bailee get down here now or we are going to be late!" I scream up the stairs at my kids. I hear them fighting and then running down the stairs, stopping abruptly at the bottom so as not to bump into me.

"Finally, you kids take forever to get ready. You're worst than me." Bailee rolls her eyes but turns to her brother and fixes his hair, styling it quickly. Bradley is so particular about his hair that only Bailee or himself is allowed to touch it. Bailee drops her hands and smiles in satisfaction earning a kiss on the cheek from her twin. I smile at their cuteness.

"Come on we need to leave, we are already late!" I grab my keys, phone and purse and send a quick message to Ellie telling her that we are on our way. The kids help me load the car with some desserts and soon we are beginning our one and a half hour drive to the pack house for the annual BBQ.

My life has been pretty hectic raising Bradley and Bailee on my own but I had Ellie and the pack if I ever needed help. Six months after they were born I decided it was the best time to leave and move to a house secluded from everything, escaping all drama. Of course I still visit Blake and Ellie regularly and I'm sure to recieve a call from a fuming best friend if I don't. Bailee and Bradley always get excited when visiting the pack. The kids don't get to see them as much as I'd want to, a disadvantage of living isolated from life including pack life. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, raising my kids away from..well people but then I remember the reason why I left. Call me selfish but I don't think I could ever go back. Too many memories that make the pain too hard to bare.

Star stayed strong for me and the twins. Without her I wouldn't be here today. If she had given up, I would have too. I know she wanted, too heck so did I but we couldn't be selfish and leave our babies without parents. I know what that feels like. It was hard on her with not being able to shift and I felt increasingly guilty every time she felt trapped and had the urge to shift. It took awhile to get used to the idea of having no powers and being human was certainly...different. I found a way to cope with Star on days she wanted to shift. I would simply allow her full control allowing her to feel somewhat like her old self. It especially worked when we went for a run. With her in full control, it reminded her of running in wolf form.

Things are good with my mom. I talk to her through a mind link practically everyday. She soon made up for the years she missed of my life. I still remember the day she met Bradley and Bailee for the first time, a few days after they were born. She appeared like a vision in the hospital room, shimmering like something from a dream. She had awed, doted and cooed over their small forms and I couldn't help but cry at the sight. She teased me of course but I blamed it on the hormones. Things are also going well for my dear mother. Very well in fact. Over the years I didn't miss the looks she and Marroc gave each other. Ones of love. It wasn't until Marroc finally plucked up the courage to tell my mother how he felt, that my mother did the same. She was quick to tell me that she would never forget my father but I could see how her eyes lit up when she looked at Marroc. How could I deny her happiness? Marroc was great and I viewed him as a fatherly figure. He too shedded a tear when he met my children. He looked so happy looking down at my newborn babies. He promised to protect them and I believed him.

I talk about Cameron every day to the kids. Once they were old enough I began telling them stories about their amazing father. Both twins wear a necklace around their neck with a picture of me and Cameron in it. It was a present from my mother and Marroc for their 10th birthday last month. I notice that Bailee rubs it and plays with it when something is upsetting her . Her brother on the other hand opens it and stares at the picture until someone snaps him out of his trance. They both love hearing stories about how things were when I had powers with elders as dads. My heart jumps at the thought of my dads. They still hasn't been found and were presumed dead by many. But not me. I wouldn't and simply couldn't believe it. I spent some time after the twins were born, traveling around looking for clues but came out empty handed. There was one more place I needed to go though....

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