Chapter 13

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Rylan POV

I arrive at the northern city around six o'clock. The city starts too alive again because people start rushing to get into the workplace. I feel suffocated with a new environment and the new place. Reese gets me a house and it's quiet homing me. From the way house looks like I know Reese frequently spent his time here.

The house decoration was simple, but it calm, soothing everyone's eyes. I found the paper note from Reese and the food already stock in fridge. Sadly, my craving food was not here. I'm pouting and sulking in my own ways.

After doing unpacking my thing, I decide to do grocery, mainly to get all my craving food. In my ways, I also pick some new clothes. The environment here is a much better than my old town. The people really friendly and the neighbour has higher security. The first day goes with fatigue and lot chores to settle with.

Honestly, I'm quite worried when still can't contact Reese. He is MIA for two days. The phone can't get through too. Today my body feels so exhausted and I feel my immune system level drop. My puke becomes heavy like a women morning sickness.

Admittedly, I also get weird eyes from some of people but not in bad ways. Theirs eyes fills by a curious. Not is my business anyways. I mix my food like usual and moan when it touch my taste buds. To others these may the worst food ever and make them throw up nonstop.

The day passed without any interesting anymore. I'm super bored to be confined inside the house. I try a few times click on vacancy job but found nothing. Deep inside my heart, I'm actually longing my old town. As if half of me was left there. When thinking about it a sharp pain will split my head, so I choose to avoid it.

After three weeks, my condition was getting so much worse. I start having an illusion about crazy thing like a baby crying and wolf howling. I'm also lacking of sleep and lost quite a lot of weigh despite my eating habit. Everything becomes a contrast from what it's supposed to be. Reese officially goes MIA. My worst conditions prevent me from getting work and doing a heavy work.

I always got a dizziness and asleep anywhere whenever my eyes black out. First, it's quite scared me but now it just a small matter. And, Mr. Toilet is my best companion now if you can catch what I meant.

One day, the dread feeling is coming again. I feel like someone is watching me. I brush it aside, thinking it as my bewilder thought only. Today is I need to restock my food again. I push my trolley pick up everything on my list. I go to medical section and get some flu medicine. Then, my eyes spot a pregnancy test. My instinct urges me to get one and my logic protest it.

In the end, I buy one. My heart is leaping in anxious way; I keep wringing my hand in taxi ride. The driver also senses my worry and asking whether I'm okay or not. I just give a faint smile. once reached home, I'm rummage my groceries stuff and find the test.

I am rushing to the toilet and follow instruction on the test box. I got pale when I got two clear red lines meant it's positive result. It's impossible because I'm a hundred percent male since birth. This is just a shitty prank by the god. I laugh like a mindless man. Now, I'm really a freak by all mean.

There is a life involve in my stomach, a man's stomach. How I wanted to explain to other? How I want to give birth? What I should do? And who his/her father? I'm certainly not a unisex creature. I'm human and as a human I need another human seed to create a new life.

Reese may disgust with me after this. I walked out of the toilet, resting my flabbergasted self on my bed. I want to punch my stomach to let the new life stop grow inside but then I'll be a real murderer, worse than my useless biological parents.

I'm tucking under my warm comforter and cried all my heart. This is the worst thing ever happen in my life. I know nothing about the man, and how he gets me pregnant. How many times he had fucked and molested my body. I'm clueless and why I'm not knowing any single thing.

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