Chapter 43

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Ivan POV

One year later...

I dropped my mate at one of his restaurant branch. Allen and Ernest fell asleep in the back seat with a cute innocent face. I am waiting while playing a game on my phone to kill the time. We were in our family outing aka honeymoon package.

Rylan force to bring our sons together. I was eyeing Allen that sleep soundless in behind. The rejection I did almost cost me losing my own son and the pack only heir. Rylan told me about himself after he left the town.

Where he suffered morning sickness and fevered to meeting a crazy doctor for an abortion. He was in tears when recounted the episodes in his life, wrenched my heart endlessly. One I knew was his still blaming himself until today for planning to abort our son. I should be the one who shouldered the blame. If I never rejected him, maybe he never had been in that bad situation, meeting the crazy human that disregard a humanity.

It was a close called when he cancel the planned. Although he successfully ran away from them, the knowledge of he was living in wooded area alone berated my inner until now. The bad thing could happen to him or our unborn baby anytime without anyone to protect him. What if he dies from the rogue or hunter attack or mad doctor hunts him?

I was useless shit of mate ever. I secretly thank my baby boy. Why? Because my instinct keeps telling me the boy had been protected his papa since he was in his womb. He makes me feel proud. God, I really the sinful person. Even, if I finish my lifetime to repay them, it still is not enough.

The thumps on the window bring me back to reality. Rylan smiles charmingly outside the car. I unlock the door and he immediately hopped in.

"Sorry, I had taken too long. The branch manager and main chef taken medical leave and they forgot to remind the staffs that they need to restock today." He fans himself. I turn the air-conditioning on full blast and switch on the engine.

"It is okay and the thing is unavoidable." I perk his slightly pouty lips.

"Eww, please put it under PG-13." Allen chuckled behind me.

"Why? Do you want a new sibling?" Allen's eyes glow with hope.

"Ivan, don't tell your silly joke on our sons." He hit my arms. Allen's hope crushed before it can blossom. Ralph had said that it was a miracle we had a son even though Rylan just a mere human. From the secret investigation, we didn't have any clue of Rylan lineage aside from the information that he was found in a drain.

Rylan rolled his eyes when Allen smartly outclasses him in bickering session. The father and son have many similarities. I smile when Ernest chuckled earned Allen glare. I glad that both of my sons start warmth to each other even though they have different circles of friend. Ernest may become a future jock class while Allen more all rounder person. Still the pack was favouritism Ernest over Allen.

We arrive at destination around 8'o clock. The place was crowded because the summer holiday. We had rented a house as Allen still not comfortable with strangers. My parents offered to babysit the kids but Rylan rejected it.

The kids seem excited to start their adventure starting tomorrow. Orlando Land was chosen among several places we have discussed. The look on their eyes melted my first option of going to Honolulu-Oahu. That was what you get if you family consist all males. I sighed in defeat when Rylan had taken their side and promised me that our next family vacation will be on my choice.

An alpha may the strongest person in the pack but we are a lot weak to our important one. Even though the drove was long but it was worth. Allen and Ernest share the room. Rylan order them to take a bath and sleep early as we start the adventure early morning.

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