Chapter 25

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Ivan POV

I feel restless and great agitated all because my stupidity stunted over a few days ago. Cedric also paces inside me with a great annoying and edgy. Where they were going? After a big fought with my mate's husband and I had calmed down, I decided to stalk my mate doing.

To my surprise, their house emptied, so I thought they must go back to their pack or so on. But the feeling turns to dread after three days. I mean where the hell they were missing. I called their pack and disappointed when the Albert told me, he don't know where his brother at the moment.

I pace in an annoying raked myself with a few an answer. God, please don't let Rylan disappeared again. I couldn't bear to lose him. Then, the possibility the child is mine also added a possessiveness of mine. I need them even I have to rip every obstacle in the way.

Honestly, I never feel remorse after beating Alfred. He took the precious person in my life and refuse to handing him to me. Additionally, he was so daring to insult me even it was true. I have indeed made a bigger mistake in my life but come on nobody was perfect.

He should give me a chance to prove myself. However, his word held the truth, I scared when he dared me to ask Rylan own decision to choose who he want to live with. I know the moment Rylan tell his decision mean I need to forget him forever. Yes, I know whom he will choose, it was none than his current husband.

Called me a coward or brutal, I don't care at all. What I really need is my mate and so long I can having him, I don't care what method I need to use. He can hate me forever if that is his condition to be living with me. Truly, I don't care as long as he take me as his mate again. Pride and people view mean nothing to close the gaping hole inside my heart.

Now I know the darkness in love. Love can drive people sanity, love can turn a saintly people to devilish road. Love can turn someone to a murderer and love can make people lose their will to live on.

Everyday, I keep going to Rylan house, hoping I can see him again. My patience was running out. My anxiety start chewed me from inside. I fear that Alfred had taken him and flew into unreachable place. I'm sorry I am such a mess and that I don't always have the right words to say but I'm trying I really am.

Yeah, I'm trying to become his worthy mate, to defeat his husband. I need his forgiveness, but because the fretfulness I just become worst in his eyes. My beta was right, Rylan will become more disgusted with me after the fight I have with his husband.

My beta also gives me a worse solution to becoming friendly with my mate family. How in the hell I want to pretend being chummy with them when jealously eating me from inside. I shot down his proposal on the spot.

For the first time, I feel so hopeless and weak. The worst is when I sense every second my mate fuck with his husband. The burning sensation and indescribable painful assaulted me. If people say 'you reap what you sow', then the idiom truly perfect description for me. I had granted this same woe on my mate once upon a time. Our situation had reversed now.

If I could open my eyes earlier, none of this will happen in our life. Each time, my warrior coming I hope he or she will deliver the news that my mate had come back. But, every time was vain, every waiting was leading to despair.

It's passed one week since I had fought incident. My wariness become ugly, I ignore every one include my son. Terrance had taken Ernest to living with him temporarily. My parents were going to their anniversary trip. I'm really thankful when Ernest has not argued back when Terrance taken him.

I can't face him nor I can show a more ugly side of mine to innocence kid. I can't trust myself from saying any hurtful word in my drunkard day. He is just a kid who had dragged into complete messy life. I know he misses his mum so much but that ungrateful bitch never thinking twice before she disappears.

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