Chapter 20

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I get to back to this town again. The town where I was founded in drain sewer. The town that hold my childhood memories of the good, and the bad one too. The town had changed a lot since the last time I stayed here.

According to Alfred, the town was in the neutral zone, mean it was free for all the kind of supernatural to meet without restrain. The Midnight Silent Pack, led by gay couple was close to the neighbourhood but they never claim the area. I caught a glimpse of them a couple times, when I'm lurking around the town mall.

They were really handsome couples, shameless showing their affection in public. The love they showed was pure and beautiful.

"Papa, I'm so hungry." A childlike voice greets me from behind. I turn around to fetch my sweetheart in my arms.

"Oh, sorry, baby boy. Last night I got home so late and tired cause me to miss the morning alarm. I'm in the middle of preparing it now. So, be a good boy and wait me here." I put him on the stool, preparing a glass of milk and biscuit to hold his hungry stomach. He unbelievable has a big appetite comparable to his tiny frame.

He pouts when start munching the biscuit. I pats the brown mane, cause him to giddy. Allen is quite an understanding and intelligent boy.

"Morning, Love, baby boy." A coarse voice greets us. I turn around given him a flying kiss and my boy giggle when Alfred kisses his head.

"Daddy, it's near 12 p.m. You're late, uncle Albert would angry again." Allen reminds him, causes Alfred grinned after hearing it.

"Wanna going with me?" He asks Allen.

"Really? Add me too." Allen said in excited.

"Yes and your papa too." He replied to the little boy.

I shake my head when he has decided for me. Our life is really perfect. Alfred had proven himself as a good father for Allen, he loved my boy like he owns. I really feel gratitude the way he and his family treats Allen as theirs. My life is far from perfect, but I'm happy with what I have and working hard to get where I want to be.

I couldn't imagine how my life now if I ever reject his proposal. And, my boy... the boy I almost lose due my stupid decision had been my life light. Every time, I reminded the decision to abort him, I feel a great guilty that I never could erase as long as I alive.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I jerk from the memory.

"Papa, are you okay." Allen asks me.

"I'm okay..." Alfred wipes tears from my face.

"So, why you're crying? Did I do anything wrong?" Allen still worried.

I kneel down and take him in my embrace. No, you are doing nothing wrong sweetheart. It's me who almost commit the murderer, who heartless to make you cease from exist. I said inwardly.

"Allen, please forgive me." I whisper into his left ear.

"Papa, no matter what you have done, I would always forgive you because you're my father. The father, God has given to me. My beloved father..." Allen wipes my guilty tears. He tries cooed me in his tiny hugs. Alfred shows me a knowing look and hugs both us.

Speaking on Allen, he is a werewolf, half-human and half werewolf. According to the pack doctor, Allen's DNA werewolf was dominant making him an almost pure werewolf, the very dominance that almost equal to an Alpha genetic.

Alfred's hypothesis said maybe Allen another parents was an alpha, and also my mate. I just shrugged shoulder the day we found out Allen could transform earlier than a normal wolf. It's the most nerve wracking day.

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