Chapter 14- Detention with Mr Harts who Farts

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After English I met up with Gabriel "Where were you?" He asked me while handing my phone over

I clasped the phone putting it in my pocket "Alpha Xavier picked me up" I whispered resting my head on the locker

"What's with the sullen look?" Gabriel asked me I scrunched my nose "He loves her Gabe he really does" I said softly

Gabriel rolled his eyes "Who?" He asked "The devil that wears prada?" He said dripping with sarcasm

I laughed "that's funny" i mumbled "she doesn't deserve that" I said

"It's still funny" he said leaning off my locker and heading to his class after hearing the bell ring while I went to the comfort room just my luck Jenna's there fixing her hair on the mirror

I was about to go back out but too late she already saw me "Oh..hi" she said

I nodded my head "Hey" I said she smiled and turned to me "I'm really sorry I know you don't feel comfortable with our current arrangement" she started and I tried not to scoff

"It's just that we really thought were mates" she said "'re not" i snapped

"Um...its just that we-" i cut her off before she could continue "Look" I told her softly "you can do what you want with him and its okay" I said before going out of the bathroom

He loves her I reminded myself and that's okay as long as he's happy

I almost laughed at myself "Why aren't you in class?" A voice asked I looked up and saw the hall monitor "um..i..its" I stuttered he smiled evily his slit like nostrills gave him a snake like look

"Tsk tsk tsk..detention" he sneered and hissed ah..crap

During lunch gabriel and I was back to our normal table james lint did invited us over but I wasn't feeling up to it and neither was gabriel I presumed since he said no right away

"Detention?You?" Gabriel asked popping a cherry on his mouth he whistled "That's funny" he said and I rolled my eyes

"So why did you say no?" I asked curting my head at James Lint's direction he gave me those look that said: it's complicated but I'm gonna answer anyways

"I wasn't feeling up to it" he said with a shrug and I know what it means: I'll try to explain some other time

"So Alice is still not going to school?" I asked Gabriel gave a little smile "Not until her zitty problem dies down" he said

Then we talked about things that didn't matter like redthongnado's new pink thongs and Alice's zit because the things that did matter hurts too much to talk about like the way james lint is kissing hail's cheeks and hands or the fact that Alpha Xavier's inlove with jenna

It was the first time that I dreaded hearing the final bell ring and this was the first time I've ever had to walk to the detention room

I opened the door and saw Mr.Harts at the teacher's table his chin cradled by his palms he didn't looked at me when I handed him my detention slip he just motioned with his hand "Do a home work or something" he said glumly

I saw Jake first which made perfect sense I mean...his green hair is an instant attention getter then I saw redthongnado then Fleas -a junior whose fur started a huge fleas outbreak, hence the name - and other couple of people whom I don't know so I made my way towards the group of chairs near the window which gave a perfect view of the lawn outside

"Wouldn't do that if I were you" a girl with a nose ring said her eyes on the chair I'm about to sit at

Jake looked at me "It's reserved" he said in a stern voice

"Oh.." I said before deciding that the view's probably not worth the trouble jake's stern voice promised so I went towards another chair on the dark corner of the room a girl with brown hair whom I guess if I remember correctly is Roxy from my Were History class smiled up at me "Hey..." I said with a curt of my head

"What are you in for?" she asked me and I laughed because it sounded so jail-y "Late for class" I answred "You?" I asked "For writting "Mr. Harts.. Farts" in our white board" she answered and I laughed again

"Look the VIPs are here" Roxy said her brown eyes at the door the door opened and my eyes widened ofcourse his here

Alpha Xavier, Beta Jordan,Gamma Cameron and hail came in joking among themselves they went into the chairs beside the window

So that's what they meant by reserved I thought "What's up Mr. Hart?" Beta Jordan asked loudly "Ok that's it" Mr Hart said standing up slamming his hands on the table before going out of the door and I heard a silent click which means that we were locked from the outside

The whole room cheered and I looked at Alpha Xavier he was chuckling and shaking his head at Beta Jordan who took of his jacket and started swinging it above his head like a cowboy

"Ride me like a cowboy!" He sang in a southern accent making everyone laugh "Sit down you ugly piece of scum" hail yelled

Which Beta Jordan did and him and hail started making out Gamma Cameron gave a for our being's sake wolf whistle Beta Jordan gave him the finger without breaking their kiss

"Are they always here?" I asked Roxy she nodded her head Alpha Xavier rarely joins them though" she said "They don't even have detention slips they just hang around" she added

"Why would they do that?" I asked Roxy smirked "Because they can" she answered like it was obvious

Gamma Cameron looked around and said "Hey Rox" he said greeting her "I thought I told you to stop getting yourself in trouble" he said Roxy rolled her eyes "Cam your my cousin not my father you can't tell me what to do" she said

My eyes widened so they're cousins...

Gamma Cameron scoffed and spotted me "What are you doing here?" He said slowly but teasingly "Um.." I answered Alpha Xavier turned to me and his eyebrow rose slightly as if he just noticed me

Sometimes I start to wonder if I'm truly invisible to him I mean, him not even being aware that I'm in the same room is a whole new level because I can sense him from a mile away

He sighed irritatedly and stood up from his seat "where are you going?" Gamma Cameron asked "Out" he answered curtly rolling his eyes at me "Door's lock" Gamma Cameron reminded

Alpha Xavier swung his fist on the door smashing it in half with a loud crack

"No it isn't" he said flexing his fist heading straight out it was eerie quite even beta jordan and hail stopped making out

"Ain't that something" Beta Jordan said in his fake southern accent

Indeed it is

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