Chapter 30-Too bad

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"You know we're meeting Xave's parents too right?" Raven asked eyeing me I hugged my black jacket tighter around my torso

"What?" I asked him scowling he grinned "Nothing" he said "Nice shoes" he said while he jiggles the keys in his hands I looked down at my All stars white sneakers well, it used to be white anyways now... it looked more of a dull grey

I suddenly wanted to go back in my closet and continue my search for anything that is halfway decent, I regret not packing the dresses mom had bought for me along with the high heeled shoes

Raven almost half dragged half pushed me out of my room kicking the pile of clothes that littered the floor out of the way

I grumbled as I sat in the front seat my arms crossed Rave laughed "Don't worry, Xave's parents are nothing like him they're actually nice" he said and I laughed

He drove to Alpha Xavier's house nervously humming along with the radio he rolled into a stop and before he could knock, the door already opened

"Hi.." Jenna said smilling widely Alpha Xavier behind her his hand on her shoulder I resisted the urge to stamp my All stars clad foot to Jenna's peep toed ones

"Um...well, me and xave are planning to go buy some more ingredients for the food" Jenna said opening the door wider as we entered the house

"Can we help?" I asked looking for an excuse to shop with Alpha Xavier, Jenna's face brightened "Yes, actually these need to get started and I'll just finish it when I get back" she said

I face palmed while Raven glared at me Jenna directed us about what to do with the flour and all but I stopped listening...

As the door clicked shut the both of them leaving Rave turned to glare at me once more "Now what are we supposed to do?" He asked raising a pan in between his fingers before letting go of it making it clang against the counter loudly

I gulped... if she can cook I can cook I told myself before hitching my jacket sleeves to my elbows rubbing my hands together "This is gonna be a stroll in a park" I told Raven with a determined look

After a couple of moments..."Rave" I called to him and he turned away from the burning garlic in the pan I pointed at the gooey beige colored dough infront of me

"Is this right?" I asled him and he turned of rhe stove before grabbing the bag of flour and pouring it into the bowl "Maybe it needs more water" I suggested before splashing it all over the bowl and all over Raven's arm

My eyes widen "Oh sorry" I turned to grab a cloth for him but when I turned back a handful of flour was sprinkled all over my face I glared at him while he smirked widely I squirted a bottle of oyster souce all over his face making it drip down his chin I laughed maniacally

He glowered at me and grabbed me by the back of my head forcing my head down to the bowl of dough

I heard someone clear his throat loudly Raven's hand losened and I was able to staighten up Alpha Xavier had his arms crossed against his chest, his face bare of any expression, while Jenna had her mouth open agape bags of food in her hands

I threw Rave the cloth in my hands and I rubbed my face with my hands which only made flour spread all over it even more "Maybe, you guys should clean up and I'll take over the kitchen duty" she said

I hang my head down from the glowring gaze of Alpha Xavier he's probably mad because I couldn't even do a simple task

I washed my face leaning towards the sink of the bathroom inside the room where I used to sleep I looked at the mirror and was startled to see Alpha Xavier leaning his side against the door frame of the bathroom

His icy blue eyes freezing me in place "You and Raven seems to be getting along" he said his voice scattering my thoughts all over the place

"Um..sure we're along well getting" I said my brain buffering spurting out random words as his scent filled the small room

He rolled his eyes "A little too well don't you think..?" He said tilting his head

I scrunched my eyebrows together confused "What do you mean..oh" I trailed off as I got what he's trying to say

I shook my head hard "No..its not like that" I said not being able to meet his eyes he scoffed "It sure do seems like it" he said crossing his arms

I finnaly met his gaze "We're just friends" I said with conviction he raised his eyebrows "Too two fit each other perfectly" he said before leaving the room

I stared at his back dumb founded, for a second a spark of hope ignited in me thinking that he's stupid

Raven entered the room slowly "You heard?" I asked him my voice breaking slightly he nodded sympathetically

I threw a pillow at him "Eavesdropper" I said accusingly he easily caught the pillow "Atleast we look good together" he teased

I threw him the lamp that was at the bedside table "Go away" I yelled at him he caught the lamp in a swift motion

"Don't damage my face Scaredypup or it will be too bad because we look good together" he teased once again before running out of the door his eyes widening to what I plan throw at his face next...the chair

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