Chapter 22- Dinner and Pictures

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I am supposed to be at Mythical History my second to the last subject of the day but I'm not there because I'm the room of crisis with Raven as he tells me stories about Jenna

"Wait a second" he said leaning over me slipping over my glasses and picking a stray dust in my lashes I jumped when the door slammed open

Alpha Xavier was leaning on the door frame Raven stood up brushing himself off before offering his hand to help me stand I took it "Crap..almost forgot about that" I whispered as sparks danced on my skin

Raven looked at Alpha Xavier with such distaste and rage that even I have to look away from his eyes but Alpha Xavier didn't looked affected

He looked at me his cold blue eyes feels like cold water drenching me to my very bones "Your mother called" he told me

My heart jumped and i scrambled for my phone: 8 missed calls

"She said that she'll be cooking dinner at your house" he said and I nodded my head Raven looked at me "I'll take you" offered but before I could answer

Alpha Xavier said "Your mom invited me no" he said looking at Raven before putting his hand on my backpack dragging me with him

I watched the muscles of his bisceps ripple with movement I felt a bubbles pop in my stomach he stopped in front of his car and I sat at the back seat knowong that the front seat is never for me

He looked at the closed car door for a moment before going in and driving to my house

I watched him drive his scent filling my hallow heart how could you miss a person you just saw yesterday I asked myself but I did I miss him so much

I also missed my mom so when the car halted into a stop I ran as fast as I can, flew past the front door and hugged my mom as tight as I could

"Hello to you too" she whispered in my ears "I missed you so much honey" she said and I breathed her scent that is mixed with the lobster she's cooking

My mom pulled away from me "You've grown" she said and I laughed "Mom its only been six days" I exclaimed and she laughed

"Xavier" she said smilling up at Alpha Xavier who quietly watched the exchange "Ma'am" he said giving her a peck on the cheek

My mom gave him a hug and patted his cheeks "Well...dinner will be ready, you kids can come up to Ash's room, just leave the door open" she said giving us a wink heat rushed to my face "Mom" I said

I hurried to my room my knees weakening as I feel his presence behind me...following me

I left the door open and stood by the window still looking at him as he slowly entered my room his eyes roaming every inch of it

I felt my lips quiver he's in my room, i thought breathlessly I averted my eyes to the floor

I heard him chuckle softly, I whirled around to face him and my eyes almost popped from its sockets he took out a picture I pinned on my wall

It was a picture of him, when we were sophomores he was wearing a white polo with four buttons undone his eyes and lips smirking playfully at the camera I had to buy that photo for 20 bucks from Chase Crawson the school's photographer and I drew little hearts around it

He looked at me his eyebrows raised I scowled at his sexy dark blue eyes I tried to snatch it from his hands but then he raised his arms I jumped to reach it and slammed into his chest millions of butterflies errupted from my stomach and sparks flew into every nerve of my body

He snaked his arms on my waist to steady me "Easy there love" he whispered and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up

He gently pushed me away and dropped the picture on the floor "Having pictures of strangers in your room without their permission is rude" he said "pathetic even" he added and I blinked away the tears that started to well from my eyes

"Ash!Xave! Dinner's ready" my mom's voice rang and he slowly turned from me and went down the stairs my eyes dropped at the picture and I scrambled on the floor to pick it up

I looked at the picture from his nose to his lips to his amazing eyes I felt sadness overwhelm me and I made a move to tear the picture but then I stopped instead I folded the picture and put it on my back pocket

I actually liked that picture I told myself before heading down the stairs

I took a sit across Alpha Xavier and my mom sat at the head spot "So..." my mom said as we started eating

"When do you plan to mark her?" She asked and I choked on the lobster caughing histerically I grabbed the glass of water and started to drink it

"Have you talked about mating yet?" She inquired and I felt water get snorted into my nose and I tried to cover the water pouring from my nose with a table napkin

Alpha Xavier cleared his throat "Well, ma'am...we haven't really considered it yet" he explained and my mom nodded thoughtfully

" better think about it" My mom said "For all you know there are a lot of other males out there who might take an interest" she said

I snorted at that while Alpha Xavier locked his jaw "That won't happen" he said sternly

waves of happiness crashed through me at the thought that he actuall cares that moment was short loved when

"I mean as far as I know no one is or has ever been interested" he added and I resisted the urge to glare at him

My mom laughed and we finished dinner in peace as we cleared away the dishes

"Let's take a picture of our very first finner together" my mom happily exclaimed she took out her polaroid camera amd handed it to me

Alpha Xavier stood there beside my mom smilling slightly and I peered into the lens and took the picture I handed my mom the camera and the picture it sprouted out

"Your turn" my mom said and I was ready to say no when he dragged me to his side and raised his arms around my shoulders tightly, locking me in place

I peered at him curiously but he was looking ahead smilling at the camera so i gulped and gave the camera my widest smile knowing that I'll want to keep this picture forever

My mom handed me the picture and i smiled so hard my cheeks started to hurt

The picture was so beautiful that if I don't know any better I'll think that its a part of my reality..But its not,

Its a reflection of my dreams where the person that I love is capable of holding me in his arms not holding another girl that belongs to someone else

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