Chapter 23-Cereal Talk

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"Bye mom!" I said as she drove away as it turned out she still have a teaching seminar tomorrow at 7am so she had to go back right away once my mom's car was too far beyond our line of sight I heard Alpha Xavier sighed loudly

"Let's go" he told me going inside his car I nodded my head yawning I went inside the backseat leaning my head on the window and I slowly slipped away to the land of dreams

"Hey.." I felt someone say loudly I groaned and turned around "Wake up." a stern voice ordered and I opened my eyes slowly rubbing my eyes

I saw the man of my dreams his eyes looking into me with a bored expression "About time" he said, I sat up and went out of the car "Good b-" I wasn't finish talking when the car raced away

I pursed my lips staring at the car and slowly walked towards the front dopr of raven's house I knocked at the door but then I noticed that Raven's car wasn't in the garage so maybe he wasn't even here yet

I sat under a big maple tree and tried to read sense and sensibility, maybe if I was as smart as her... i thought trying to shift my etes through the words imprinted on the pages

I woke up in the bed I have slept in last night in the same room but with a different kind of sunshine it was too briht to be the morning sun so I groaned and checked my clock 12:34

"School" I mumbled to myself, kissing my spotless attendance good bye

I headed out the door trying to remember the last of last night but the last thing that went to mind was reading that no sense book

I looked at the drive way through the window Raven's car wasn't there..he's probably in school

I took out my phone and looked my eyebrow furrowed to see text from Alice and Gabriel


Alice and the wonderzit:
I am finally zit free
I'm going to school
Where are you guys..?
Ash are you sick?

Gabe the babe (he wish):

Still sick
Ash, Alice told me you aren't in school are you sick?!?
My birthday is in three days Ms. Ash Jones I am about to know who my mate is and you can't be sick

I rubbed my eyes

To Alice and the wonderzit:
Slept how's school on the eyes of a zit free wolf?

To Gabe the babe(he wish):

I am not sick...i just slept in, do you plan to go to school tomorrow?

I sent the messages and laid my phone on the table while grabbing cereals

"What are you doing here?" A voice askedm I yelped dropping the spoon Raven walked in the kitchen smelling like the forest

"Why aren't you in school?" I asked he raised his eyebrows "I should be asking you that" he said

I rubbed my eyes "I slept in" i mumbled before glaring at him "You didn't wake me" I said accusingly

He raised his hands in surrender "Hey..I went out for a run on three a.m and stayed there till noon" he explained

"Seeing them together...doesn't it make you want to shift" he asked curiously I bit on the inside of my cheeks before shrugging

"Want some cereal?" I asked shking the box of cereal in my hands he grinned "Perfect lunch" he said slippkng down the chair and I quickly threw a bowl at him which he easily caught

And started to eat noisily I peered at him anxiously while trying to chew on my koko crunch slowly

"What?" He asled me I cleared my throat "Are you okay?" I asked him he took a deep breath and closed his eyes

I saw him grip the stainless spoon harder and it snaped loudly making him open his eyes "I just..damn it," he said "I fucking hate my bestfriend for loving my mate" he said with laugh

I felt my heart squeeze thinking to myself, How twisted the universe is, I looked at his unblemished face cherry lips with dark coal eyes and resisted the urge to sigh

He tilted his head "You're looking at me funny" he said "You're hot" I blurted out without thinking and blood rushed to my face

He bursted out laughing "thanks" he said with a chuckle and I tried to stop myself from melting with embarassment

"What I mean, is that" I said trying to stop the shake in my voice "Jenna is lucky to have you, she just doesn't know it yet" I said

He smiled "I know" he says "And I am willing to wait no matter how long it takes for her to realize that I'm the one for her" he says his eyes blazing a new kind of light before taking a spoon of cereals in his lips

I nodded my head telling myself the same thing "I'll wait for him too" I said with determination while smilling up to him and taking aspoon into my mouth

"But you still think I'm hot" he teased and i choked on my cereal I glared at him with milk dribbling all over my chin and all over the table

Who knew cereal talk could be so messy?

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