Chapter 64- They

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I was walking home a heaviness in my heart like the sky that was decorated with dark greying clouds

I grabbed my head in both of my hands while closing my eyes tightly

Ever felt the need to scream? I want to scream so bad but I can't find my voice. I can't seem to have a perfect grasp to reality anymore.

I wiped my tears and cleared my throat while dialing for a number

"Hey, can I talk to you.Please?" I said against the phone after a few seconds of silence he finally answered

"Sure, where?" He asked I sighed in relief that he actually agreed

I waited for him on the old abandoned playground I was swinging back en forth holding the rusty chains against my palms when he arrived

"Hey" he said softly and that was all it took for me to unravel I stood up encircled my arms around his waist and cried into his chest

He seemed taken aback but after a while he brushed his hands through my hair "Shh..." he tries to soothe

I wiped my eyes feeling slightly embarrassed for me breakdown "Sorry Cameron I just need someone to talk to" I said

He smiled "ofcourse"

"They just don't get it you know?" I said back in the swing I was seated in before "Gabe has Hail and he'll come around Jordan is actually trying to make he and Alice work, Dreydon and Jasmine are perfect, Jenna and Alpha Xavier are inlove, Raven is gorgeous a lot of girls are piling up for his attention. I, I just have my feelings for him you know?

I'm so scared of turning because I think that my wolf would actually jump of a cliff the first chance she gets, I know that I could just leave and try to move on or just act like I don't love him anymore but it's so painful that I think my heart will burst"

Cameron laughed bitterly "I wouldn't know anything about that" he said sarcasticaly "I mean just watching James every fucking time chase Hail around like a lost pup or if not it some other girl that will be occupying his bed as if every chance he gets he try to rub it in that he's straight" he rants his hands curling to a fist

"I just feel so empty inside, too fucking empty" Cameron said

I wanted to feel empty I'll take empty anytime if it means I'll stop feeling this godawful pain

The next morning I woke up with Raven tapping my cheeks to wake me I sat up feeling groggy

"What?" I asked him grumpily "Jenna just asked me to meet her" he gushed

I tilted my head in confusion "Why?" I asked curiously Raven shrugged a happy smile stuck on his face

"Why are you smilling like that?" I asked Raven he winked at me "I think that this could be something good" he said and I cleared my throat

Judging from Jenna's words yesterday I seriously doubted it so I got out of the bed to stand in front of Raven "What ever you do don't hope for too much" I warned him

He shook his head "I don't see the harm in hoping" he said before fleeing the room off to his meet up

I had a feeling that he will soon and he's going to eat his words but I pushed it down Raven of all people can handle himself

8 hours and 54 minutes later

I was pacing back en forth the living room holding my phone in my hands as yet again I tried to contact the idiot

Voice mail again.

"Raven if you don't call me back in 2 minutes o swear I'm going to burn your collection of D.C comics special edition of the Justice League series" I warned him

Where is Raven?

I already called everyone that I know even Jace and none of them has any idea to where he is

I looked at my contacts, we'll not everyone

I haven't called Jenna but I'm kind of trying to avoid her and alpha Xavier as what Cameron advised

Another couple of minutes past and I was about to give into the temptation pf calling Jenna when...

"Scaredypup?" A loud suri ng voice asked through the front door I raced to the door flinging it open

Raven stumbled in almost dropping to the floor if only he hadn't grabbed the door knob the smell of alcohol engulfed my senses

"You're drunk" I stated looking at him while he slumped against the wall "Noooooooooo just tipsy" he whispered looking at me through droopy eyes

I shook my head and grabbed his arm bringing him to the couch sit down he groaned as his back hit the soft couch

"Can you get me something to drink?" He asked pouting his lips I was almost tempted to laugh

I went to the fridge to get him a bottle of water I handed it to him and he sat up

"Ash this is important" he said looking directly upon my eyes I nodded my head waiting for what he was about to say
"When a man tells you to get him a drink he means beer not water" he said his voice all wispy like he's saying something that philosophical depth

I laughed "No. You are not getting any" I said crossing my arms

He raised his eyebrow "the girl on a red dress at the bar certainly didn't think so" he said

My eyes widened "You perv" I said Throwing a cushion at him

He laughed before sighing "Fuck Ash, you won't believe what happened" he said and I looked at him directly seeing the sadness glazing his eyes

"Why, what happened?" I asked giving him a reassuring smile

"No, it's not my right to tell you" he said resting back against the couch I clenched my teeth together not being able to bear the weight of not knowing on my shoulders

"C'mon tell me" I half ordered half whined

He shook his head slowly easing to sleep I punched him in the gut "Tell me" I said more fiercer now

Raven opened his eyes to look at me "You're not going to give this up won't you?"  He asked

"No" I answered he grabbed me down so I was sitting in between his legs he took my shoulders in my hands

He took a breath "Jenna and Xavier. They want to mate"

He doesn't want meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz