Chapter 16- Handkerchiefs

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Ever since I could remember I've always know when I'm dreaming which is why I know that all of this is just a dream but I'd give anything to stay here forever

I was in the beach and the night was cold, dark and bright at the same time the moon was full and stars were alight I could feel my feet digging into the sand and hear the peaceful crash of the waves

But all those aren't the reason why I love this dream the reason is because...I'm in love so deeply with this man in front of me his eyes were dark and blue his hamds were on my shoulders and I stared at his red pinkish lips and I inched myself forward and I heard knocking I shook my head

"Not yet" I screamed but as I opened my eyes the dream was long gone and reality slapped me in the face punched me in the gut and kicked me in the chin

I'm gonna tell you something: Reality hates my guts.

The loud knocking continued and I quickly opemed it revealing a very irritated Alpha Xavier "Are you always this hard to wake up?" He asked grumpily

"I never had a bed this comfortable" I explained and he angrily slammed the door shut "Get dressed" he ordered his voice muffled by the door

"Can I atleast brush my teeth?" I asked and he grunted "just.hurry" he said in a grumpy voice so I hurried and grabbed my phone on my way out.

I opened the front seat and immedietly cursed myself "sorry  I forgot" I say before going to the back we were driving for a good 15 minutes when I realized

"I forgot my backpack" I whispered ths screeched into a halt and I slammed into the back of the front seat "Geez..that hurts" I grumbled

"Can we go back?" I asked "I have a paper that I have to past for mythical history today" I said as the car started again "Please?" I asked hopefully "I also have to pass my take home quiz in math" I added "It's not that far-" I stopped talking when the car stopped again

I saw Alpha Xavier's tight grip on the steering wheel I can see dark green veins almost popping on his arms and I can see his eyes swirling a shade darker I swallowed "Or we can just go ahead and not get it" I said trying to give my voice a cheery tone "Bags are over rated anyways" I added

"Just go" he said in a strained voice "'re not gonna use the car and-" I was startled when he said "Just go" again a little louder so I went out of the cae and ran as fast as I can to the house

When I did get there i was in such a hurry that I scraped my knee on the study table tearing my jeans a little I ignored it and retrieved by backpack and ran as fast as I can back into the car

I breathed out sat back into the car as it started once agaon we stopped infront of Jenna's house and this time she was already waiting outside in her white tube top showing her nable and her ankle length pink flaring skirt

"Happy Anniversary Xave" she squeled kissing him full on the mouth and I looked away the car started but everything was a blur I was too busy hearing the sound of my heart shattering in a million pieces to hear anything else I suppose

"I smell...blood?" Jenna said out loud she looked at me and said "Ash your knee is bleeding"

I know its my knee genius I wanted to say but I didn't instead I took out a handkerchief that has been at the bottom of my bag for more than a weak now and tied it lazily over my bleeding knee the car stopped and I opened the door and put my scraped knee out first when suddenly...

Alpha Xavier was right infront of me one of his knees on the ground the other one propped he untied my handkerchief and tied it again with a much tighter knot

His hand never touched anything not even my jeans just the bloody handkerchief but it was enough to make my blood buzz with happiness I blinked still surprised when he stood up brushed his hands off his pants and turned to Jenna who was looking at me her head tilted to the side

It was when he slid his finger under her chin to get her attention did I snapped out of my trance I cleared my throat and walked to school feeling light headed

He touched me...well he touched the handkerchief but so what? It was close enough he helped me..maybe he's starting to lik- before my thought get too ambitious the universe's voice rang in my head:

Its their anniversary you bozo stop dreamin' you flabby ass and go back to freakin' reality you creepo

And all the happiness evaporated from me leaving me feeling cold and lonely

I really do hate the universe she's so negative...

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