Chapter 54- Balls, not the kind that you're thinking of

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We were on the car on our home from the club Cameron was so wasted we had to yank him off a guy he was dancing with, and carry him to the car -well, James did the yanking, we did the carrying

"Xave, thanks" Hail said clasping Alpha Xavier's shoulder, who shrugged "Don't worry about it" he said I yawned and struggled to keep my eyes open

"Sleepy?" Raven asked cupping my cheek, a blush crept to my face when I remembered the kiss that Alpha Xavier imprinted upon it

I just nodded and rested my head on the chair, when I opened my eyes it was probably 10 am and light was seeping through the curtains

I rubbed my eyes and went downstairs to the kitchen were the rest was, crowded into the table having breakfast,

"I'm so excited for later!" Jasmine screeched excitedly I slipped on the chair beside Raven and Alice, "Morning!" I exclaimed smilling at the both

Raven merely winked while Alice smiled "Good morning" she chirped "That is what Misty crystal is all about" Jenna said with a wide smile

"Um...what?" I asked slightly confused "The Ball of Misty hallows" Jasmine answered with a glow

"Like the movie,  Harry potter?" I asked Dreydon laughed "No Ash,  Misty hallows not deathly hallows" he said and I nodded my head

"What is it exactly?" I asked my brows furrowed "It's this ball that elite werewolves are invited too where girls wear this gorgeous gowns, men wearing tuxes" Jenna said dreamily

"Eww" Gabriel and Cameron said together before they looked at each other and murmured "Jinx" together, James rolled his eyes

"What...ball?!" Alice exclaimed standing up "You didn't told me!" She told Jordan accusingly, Jordan raised his hand in surrender

"I'm sorry, I forgot" he exclaimed with guilt "Did you know about this?" She asked me glaring

"Um...nope" I said popping my lips Alice glared at me too, "And just where are we going to buy a dress now" she said thoughtfully

"There's a botique by the town" Jasmine said
"We?" I said curiously

"We have to go now" Alice said I looked at Gabriel for help "Drama queen" he mouthed pointing at Al's back

I wanted to laugh but then Alice grabbed my hand towards the door "Al...I can't" I said her hand clasped tighter "You are going to the ball" she said sternly

"No..I ca-" I started to say "You can and you are going" she said I stung led against Alice's hold

"I mean I can't go buy a dress yet because I'm still in my pajamas!" I yelled at Alice pointing at my dinosaur themed pajamas

"Oh..." Alice grumbled

After 9 hours and 33 minutes here I was standing infront of the mirror

I tried to staighten out my floor length white and black off shoulder dress that costed a lot of money luckily Raven paid for it since I'm majorly broke

I tried to tame my curly mass of hair I stepped back which felt painful seeing that I am wearing the silver high heels Hail lent me, and took a twirl seeing how my dress will look

"Ahem..." someone cleared his throat I glanced at the door in surprise when I saw Alpha Xavier leaning against the door frame arms crossed

My heart thudded loudly against my chest, he looked dashing on his tux , his black tie hanging loosely on his neck

I gulped loudly as he walked closer towards me and grabbed me by my waist pressed himself against me as sparks and tingles electrified my nerves he grabbed one strand of curly blond hair and tucked it to my ear

My toes curled and I took a deep breath he let go of my waist and took a step back away from me "There will be a lot of people tonight" he murmured his voice deep I pursed my lips in dissapointment

"So how do I look?" I asked hopefully he studied me for a while his face bare of expression then he turned and started to walk away

"That bad huh..?" I quietly mumbled "Save me a dance will you!" I called after him but he continued walking

"I don't look beautiful enough, I bet that you're afraid that people will see you with me" I said looking at

He stopped walking and turned to me he whispered against my ear his voice husky "You do look beautiful, that's what I'm afraid of"

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