7 // Heat

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I had begun to lose track of the last time that I spoke to Damien, which was good. It was currently late at night, and I had settled into another long studio session with Lyon keeping me company at the desk across the room. I heard a flinching screech echo from the entrance to the Royal Home. Lyon rolled his eyes as he continued scrolling through emails on his laptop at my desk. 

"Alessia's here." 

Within a nanosecond, Ace had disappeared from the room. 

"Roomie!" came an excited squeal as Ace carried her into the room bridal style. 

"My roomie," Ace growled as he placed kisses on her neck. 

"Ace, we're in public," Alessia went scarlet in her cheeks as she pushed him away. 

"Ugh, wolves," I muttered, rolling my eyes as I turned back to my painting. Immediately, being the best friend that she was, Alessia plopped down on the empty stool next to my easel and raised an eyebrow at me. I looked up through my curls, quickly glancing as I turned my attention back to my work. 

"I heard about last night," she said. 

"Really, Ace?" I turned to him in disbelief. 

"Someone has to wake you up," 

"Wake me up to what? The fact that a monster is obsessed with me?" 

"That the most attractive and powerful werewolf on this planet loves you irrevocably," Ace corrected. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, it's unfair that all three of you are Team Damien." (Lmao Vampire Diaries reference)

"I'm Team Cyan-Gets-A-Boyfriend-And-Stops-Living-Inside-Her-Studio," Alessia shrugged. "You haven't talked to him in 2 days, I have no clue how his wolf isn't going absolutely crazy." 

"Because she's not allowed to leave this room without me until she's marked, that's his compromise," Lyon interrupted. She looked at him in shock. 

"Wow, they're right, Alphas are possessive." 

"So I'll be here for a while," I muttered. "Although I'll take Lyon's company over Damien's any day. Why couldn't we have been mates?" 

The entire room went ghost cold, and if I wasn't mistaken I saw Ace gasp a little. Lyon gripped my forearm as he looked at me with the most stern and serious gaze I had ever seen. 

"Cyan, I understand that you're upset, but you can never, ever say something like that in the presence of Damien. He would kill me without a second thought." 

I felt my breath catch in my chest. What kind of a monster was I really mated to?

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation, and when it opened, my heart leapt in relief to discover that it wasn't Damien's face in the threshold. Then again, I tended to forget that everyone in this entire house was his minion. 

"His Majesty requests the presence of Luna Sinclair in his chambers," it seems that everyone who came to gather me for him had nothing but sadness and reluctance in their voices. 'Irrevocable love', sure Ace.

My gaze stayed strained on my feet as the girl knocked on the door and I stepped inside. I knew that Damien was perched on the edge of his bed, and I felt his gaze on me immediately. 

"You came," he breathed in relief. Before I could step away, he had his arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes, partially out of comfort and partially out of fatigue. 

"Why did you send for me?" I murmured into his chest. 

"I haven't seen you in 2 days...I missed you," he admitted. 

"The big bad Alpha King, missed little old me?" I smirked, landing softly on his bed. 

Big mistake. 

His eyes clouded with lust, and before I knew it, he was hovering over top of me, his breath fanning on my cheek. 

"Damien..." I mumbled, my eyes trained on his lips. I guess he took that as a sign to keep going, but I couldn't control myself. They were right, the most attractive, powerful man in my lifetime was attracted to me. No matter what my brain thought, my body was returning the favor. I didn't object, nor did I try to as he placed his lips softly on mine. It was gentle at first, but then he let loose. 

I couldn't help it as we fell into sync, my hips bucked and rubbed against his, and a growl erupted from the back of his throat. His lips moved from mine to my collarbones, his breaths growing heavier as I let out a moan. 

Damn, he was good at this. 

"Mine," his voice came out husky, and my eyes shot open at the realization of what he was about to do. I tried to push him off me, but I underestimated his strength, and it only resulted in him pinning me down further into the mattress.

A sharp pain followed by what I can't describe other than complete and utter euphoria rippled throughout my body. I screamed loud, and it wasn't a pleasurable scream. It was filled with terror, and fear, and insecurity. 

Lyon and Ace burst through the door, flinging Damien off me with ease. I curled into a ball as his teeth retracted from me, and I felt the warmth of my blood trickling down my chest. Lyon threw his arms over me protectively as I heard animalistic noises from behind us. Although he tried to stop me, I turned around and saw Damien, in his raw form.

His fur coat was so black I could hardly see the strands of fur. He was at least five feet tall, and even in his wolf form he still towered. He snarled protectively, his gaze shifting repeatedly from Ace to Lyon, and finally to myself. Lyon, being fully aware of the situation, backed away slowly. I backed as far as I could into the corner of the room, scrambling to sink into the drywall. I cringed and put my hands in front of my face, and that was when I heard a whimper. I peeked through the curtain of my hair to see Damien...sniffing me? 

He nuzzled his way to the mark on my neck, and licked it until the blood flow stopped. I simply stayed tense, keeping my nervous eyes on Lyon. 

"He's not going to hurt you, his wolf's only instinct is to protect you," he said quietly. Damien curled into a semi-circle around me, resting his head on my lap. 

"Lyon, I wanna go," I murmured. Damien whimpered at my words, he must be able to understand me, even in this form. Lyon came over and picked me up bridal style, earning another growl from Damien. Lyon simply shot him a glare, and proceeded through the door with me. 

"Oh my god," Alessia gasped as she sat upright on my bed. She eagerly took me from Lyon as she tucked me in under the sheets. 

"Just rest, Cy," she murmured. Her gaze turned up to Lyon. 

"He marked her without her consent?" 

"I didn't say no..." 

"You didn't say yes either, Cy! Being silent doesn't mean you gave consent. That bastard, when I get my hands on him--" 

"You'll do what, babe?" Ace strode in. "He's your Alpha, you can't do anything and you know that." 

"He hurt my baby," she growled. There comes that protective mother side again. 

"I'm not a baby," I corrected sternly, sitting up in bed. "Can everyone but my best friend leave this room please? Much to my surprise, none of them moved an inch. "By that, I mean Alessia," 

I pulled the comforter over my head and before I knew it, I drifted off into a dream I never wished to wake up from. 


Hey cuties! 

Welcome to my first author's note :) I won't leave many of these, I promise (unless you guys like them, but I tend to find them annoying and skim over them. So if you're reading this, kudos to you.) What's going to happen to Damien and Cyan's relationship, hmm??? 

I need your help on something! I want to do a chapter in Damien's point of view if you guys would like to see that, so leave a comment below if you do! I'll be posting the next chapter soon because I'm on vacation but it's super boring. 

See ya next time, 

xoxo Kate 

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