19 // My Humble Abode

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Damien's POV

"Where!" I roared as I swiped my arm across my desk, knocking all the trinkets from it. One was a miniature canvas from Cyan. My Cyan. And he took her. "Where did he take her, Lyon," I growled. When I got no answer, I had him in a choke-hold. I had forgotten that I was the one that trained him, and the role was quickly reversed. 

"You need to get your head on straight, Damien," he spat back. "We already sent a team into the mountains. He's not at the mansion. We will find her, we will bring her home." 

He released me, and I collapsed into my desk chair in exasperation. My room was a mess, with the headboard torn and the curtains slashed. Believe me, I wish other circumstances had caused me to wreck that bed. 

"What does he want from her? I swear to God, if he marks her--" 

A ring from my cell phone interrupted my train of thought. I looked at the unknown number, but in the pit of my stomach I knew. I answered it, and I waited for the confirmation of my worst fear. 


It was her. 

"Cy? Baby, where are you?" My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"I don't know, he's busy right now, Damien, you have to listen to me. You need to pass the bill that lets his people move back into the city. It's the only way he's going to let me go." 

"I can't unbanish every murderer and rapist in the city," I growled back. I may have been possessive over my mate, but I was also possessive with my city. 

"Don't shoot the messenger," she scoffed. I missed her satire. "It's the only way. I don't know where I am, and we both know I wouldn't survive a day in these woods on my own." 

Before I had a chance to respond, the line went dead. My heart stopped. What happened? I turned my attention back to Lyon, who had his arms crossed with a look of pure concentration on his face. 

"Get Ace. We're going hunting." 


Cyan's POV

When I awoke the following morning (after sleeping beside me, myself, and I), I couldn't help but relieve my curiosity and go out and search for Xander. Damien was a stubborn man, I highly doubted he would sign away his throne for me.

I looked out the window of the back sliding door, and saw Xander deep in conversation with the redhead at the mansion the other day, Serena. Scrambling around the kitchen, I looked on the counter until I saw the landline. Idiots still had these? Xander might have been the older brother, but he wasn't that old. 

I quickly dialed Damien's number. I waited patiently for the ringing, and felt a wave of relief when his voice floated to my ears. 

"Damien?" I croaked. 

"Cy? Baby, where are you?" He sounded panicked.

"I don't know, he's busy right now, Damien, you have to listen to me. You need to pass the bill that lets his people move back into the city. It's the only way he's going to let me go," I pleaded.

"I can't unbanish every murderer and rapist in the city," he grew defensive. That egotistical maniac. 

"Don't shoot the messenger," I rolled my eyes. "It's the only way. I don't know where I am, and we both know I wouldn't survive a day in these woods on my own."

"Well, you're right about that," I heard a chilling female voice behind me and saw Serena leaning casually against the counter. She ripped the phone from my hands, and then proceeded to rip the entire phone from the wall. I flinched at the sound, and closed my eyes, waiting for the worst. Xander rushed into the room, and right as she was about to pounce, he stepped between us. His back was to me, in a protective stance. 

"Don't hurt my leverage, okay Serena?" 

"She almost sold us out to Damien," she growled. 

"It's your fault for leaving the landline out," I raised an eyebrow. 

Xander turned around, looking slightly pissed, slightly confused, and if I could say, slightly turned on. 

"I will admit, I didn't even think about it. Who memorizes phone numbers anymore?" 

"The future Luna of an entire supernatural race who seems to get kidnapped on the daily lately," I crossed my arms. 

"Don't push your luck, Cyan," he turned back to Serena. "You can go now, Serena." 

Once she left in a huff, I pulled myself up to sit on the granite countertop. I crossed my ankles, studying him as he started to make food. 

"Are you going to kill me?" I murmured. I felt him look up at me, but I kept my gaze trained on my feet. He crossed the kitchen floor, placing his hands on either side of my legs. He was wearing a muscle shirt, and I would be lying if I said my gaze didn't linger on his arm muscles for a few moments. Eventually I caved into his gaze, and swallowed hard. 

"Despite what my brother may have told you, I am not a merciless man. And despite what you may think, I do care about what happens to you. You're the future Luna of our race, that much is clear. I would never to do anything to jeopardize that for my people." 

"But the whole point of this is so that Damien recedes from the throne," I furrowed my brow. "I wouldn't be the Luna anymore." 

He lowered his gaze, almost in shame as he waited for it to hit me. My eyes widened at the realization, and I tried to shimmy backwards off the counter. His arms wrapped around my hips, pulling me to him as I straddled his stomach while sitting on the counter. 

"No, never, not in a million years," I let out a light sob.

"Would you stop moving?" he growled. I gave up in defeat, sitting rigid. I kept my eyes closed. "The Moon Goddess chose you because you were intended to be the next Luna, regardless of who you marry. If Damien recedes from the throne, The Council can override the Moon Goddess' wishes." 

"The government can force me to marry you?" 

"Because you're human, yes." 

"I'm with Damien, I've been with Damien." 

"Don't act like I would be the most horrible husband on the planet," he frowned. 

"You're egotistical, you're possessive and obsessed, you're a complete and utter maniac." 

"Like he's not?" he shot back. "Those are my best qualities, babygirl. Those are the qualities that get me where I need to be; back on that throne, and with you by my side." 

"Then I hope he never passes that bill, I hope you're never unbanished." 

His lips were by my ear, and I pressed my palms against his chest to try and push away. 

"Either way, you're stuck with me." 


I'm not sure how many days went by. They were long, and filled with Xander's crappy cooking and constant threats to my innocence. I wanted Damien, but he didn't know the repercussions of what passing that bill might do. Even worse, I had just begged him to do it. He was terrible at resisting my pleas. I had just signed my own marriage certificate to the wrong man.

It wasn't until I was sitting on my bed, attempting to read the first Harry Potter book for the third time today, that a knock on my window jolted me from my sleep. 

I saw a blonde-haired, perfect-teeth grin. 



2 chapters in one day? Charming, I know. I'm the best. I have 8 days to kill before I move in to college, so you guys will be benefitting off of that. 

20 favorites, and 10 comments for the next chapter :) 



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