27 // Withdrawal

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When I awoke, The Council looked at me, shaken. As my eyes traced their way up the marble pillars to meet the ceiling, I saw the soft pink hues weaving their way into the skyline above me. It was sunrise, had I really been out for that long? 

"It's been two days, malady," a girl spoke softly. Her gaze lifted from the ground. I hadn't even realized that I had said that out loud.

I scrambled to my feet, looking at the area around me. Lyon was perched at my head, trying to stroke my hair to calm me down. I swatted his hand away, standing as I stumbled to catch my ground. 

"Cyan, you haven't eaten in two days, take a seat," he coaxed. 

"2 days?!" I shrieked, "What was I doing in limbo for two days, Lyon?" 

"Damien was in here for most of it, I've only just forced him to go rest. Adrianna, will you please go get her some food? I'm not going to tell you again, Cyan, take a seat." His voice was filled with power this time, and I felt myself shrink at the sound of it. I collapsed into a nearby chair, letting the dizziness encase me. 

I nibbled uneagerly at the food that one of the maids brought me. Why had the Moon Goddess kept me in that state for two days? Did she really have that much control over my body? Was it supposed to send some type of message? 

Regardless of what it was meant to convey, all it conveyed was fear. 

"I'm going to see Damien," I muttered. 

"No you're not, you need to sleep," Lyon groaned as I started to get up from the chair. "Please, Cyan." 

"I need to see him," I muttered." 

I pushed Lyon from my side, taking small steps and trying my best not to look intoxicated as I headed down the hallway to me and Damien's bedroom. Softly turning the knob, I opened the door to see him draped across the bed. He was having a rough night's sleep, and his arms were wrapped around a body pillow on my side of the bed. My eyes flickered over to the clock, it was 6 in the morning. He would be waking up soon. King responsibilities, and all that. 

I didn't even bother to step out of my ceremonial dress, lifting up my side of the sheets as I removed the pillow from his grasp. His eyes fluttered open, looking for the sight of an attacker. 

"It's just me," I murmured. 

He didn't even speak, he simply leapt across the bed and dragged me down on top of him. He rolled over, pinning me underneath him as he nuzzled his face in my neck. 

"I began to fear you wouldn't awaken," he mumbled. He pulled back, looking down at me as he moved loose strands of hair from my face. "How did it go? What did she say? Why did she keep you for two days?" 

"I'm sure you have a million questions, Damien, and I do too, but I really just want to sleep in your arms right now, okay?" 

He nodded, swallowing deeply as he fell on his side and pulled my back to his chest. He took in deep breaths as he pressed his face against my hair, and a small part of me knew he was memorizing my scent. 

"Rest, my love." 

When I awoke, my fingers splayed out across cold sheets beside me. I groaned, sitting up as I looked around. I smiled to see a tray of chocolate chip pancakes on a cart. 

"Sleeping Beauty finally awoke," 

I could hear the smirk in his voice as I felt chills ripple up my spine. 

"Hello, Xander," I pulled the sheets up to my chest. 

"You're wearing a shirt," he rolled his eyes, and I felt the bed dip as he sat on Damien's side. 

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"I asked him to be here," 

I looked up in shock to see Damien in the hallway, looking stiff. I scrambled off the bed happily, working out the folds of my dress as I cleared my throat. 

"And why would that be, Damien?" I looked at him pleadingly for an explanation. 

"We know that the Moon Goddess talked to you about us. Despite what The Council says, you need to tell us, Cyan. We deserve to know what she said." 

"Isn't there some kind of doctor-patient confidentiality deal with the dietys?" I frowned. When they didn't laugh at my joke, I sighed, running my hand through my hair. I had been dancing around the subject for weeks, and no matter how much time The Council had alotted me, I knew I had much less than that. 

"A ring on your finger doesn't tell us what your mind is thinking," Xander stated. 

"Geez, thanks, brother," Damien spat. 

"Am I wrong?" He folded his arms. 

"This conversation is not happening," I waved my hands in front of my face, removing myself from the room. I crashed into a sweaty Ace in my threshold, his eyes wide and frantic. 

"What's going on?" Damien demanded, his arm wrapping around my waist as he pulled me back. 

"The Rogues, they're out front." 

"And?" Xander stood up swiftly, crossing the room with grace. Ace's gaze flickered to me nervously.

"They're demanding their Queen." 

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