20 // My Queen

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So I have a teensy little announcement to make, I'm changing the face of the main character. John King is being replaced by the gorgeous Stephen James as Damien. I also changed the cover. I like it a million times better, I hope you do. If not, it won't break my heart.

That is all. 

You're welcome.


Another steamy-ish chapter, so if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen (16+)


I lifted the window open in haste, and felt nothing but relief at the sight of his face. My eyes immediately searched the space behind him, racing to make contact with Damien's. 

"Miss me, princess? Damien is half a mile back." 

"Xander's going to find you, Lyon, he's going to find me," I glanced nervously back at the door.

"I'm rescuing Rapunzel from her tower in the dead of night, what could possibly go wrong?" He winked, reaching his arm out to me. 

I got up from the bed, locking my door as I went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. It would keep Xander off my trail for a few minutes; he might have been a pig but he was a respectful pig. I ducked out quickly, leaving the book behind me, and we ran until I forced him to stop. I bent down, catching my breath, only to have it knocked out of me again as a pair of arms whipped me around into a hard chest. I didn't need to open my eyes to know how it was. 

"Well, I missed you too," I slipped a small smile. Damien leaned back, his eyes searching mine for any source of pain. "He didn't hurt me, Damien." 

"That's what I'm worried about," he growled. He pulled my hair to the side, smirking at his mark. I took his hands in mine, looking down at them. "I'm going to kill him." 

"Let's get out of here before you get the chance, yeah?" Lyon's eyes swept the forest nervously. Before I realized what he was doing, I was swept up in Damien's arms and I gripped onto him for dear life. I wasn't sure how long he was running for, but soon I was slipped into a limousine with him and Lyon. 

"You know, there are less conspicuous ways to travel," I frowned. 

"Dear God, I've missed your attitude," Damien breathed, pulling my head to his chest as he draped an arm around my shoulder. 

"That's the first and last time you'll ever hear that," Lyon chuckled. 

Our light moment was interrupted by the most chilling howl I had ever heard. That was the howl of an angry wolf. 

Xander knew. 

"Floor it," Damien pressured. We were speeding, which was undesirable for a limousine of this size. I kept my eyes closed, prepared for Xander to do something stupid, like attack the car from the side or throw us off a cliff, but then I remembered. 

He needed me to be his wife if he wanted the throne back. 

I had the power now. 

I sat upright at this realization, and Damien looked at me with pure curiosity. 

"What happened at that house, Cyan?" He rested his hand on my upper thigh, and I was thankful for the darkness of our ride as I blushed. I had missed his touch. 

"Xander has a plan," I swallowed. Both of them jolted upright at this fact. "He kidnapped me to make you pass that bill that allows his people back into the city." 

"How could that benefit him? He would lose the hierarchy out there." 

"But un-banishing them would also un-banish him." 

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