26 // Artemis

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I sat beside her tentatively. I felt as though I was doing everything improperly. I curled my legs, pressing out the folds of my dress as best I could. The grass beneath us smelled sweet, and the dew shimmered in the light of the moon. 

"I've been waiting a long time to meet you," she admitted, smiling softly at the ground. 

"How long have you known that I would be Luna?" I asked, peeking up from my glued gaze. 

"I've chosen your soul from the day it was born. You and Damien were matched before you even left your mothers' wombs," she was smiling as if she was reminiscing about the day she paired us together. "You're questioning where your love lies, aren't you? I may live in another realm, but I have a lot of time to watch what goes on in the human realm too." 

"Part of me wants you to tell me..." I twirled the ends of my hair. 

"But the other part of you wants to figure it out on your own." 

"There are flaws in having a know-all presence, I suppose," I shrugged. 

"I destined Damien to be with you," she explained. "But you are human, I can't tie your heart to anyone else's. It's not within my domain." 

"So what you're saying is I have a choice?" 

"Something tells me that isn't the answer you wanted to hear." 

I rose from my seat on the ground, trailing my way over to the lake. She followed soundlessly behind me. She was right, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. Answers were easy. Decisions were final. 

"What's going to happen to Xander?" I whispered. 

"Whatever you want to happen to Xander. You know your options." 

"Would you give him back Alessia?" 

"I cannot take away another wolf's mate, Cyan. She belongs with Ace now. He's done nothing to earn him that type of punishment," she sighed. She pitied him, I knew that much. 

"Give him a new mate, one who has lost another," I pleaded. 

"His fate has been decided, Cyan. He broke the holiest of vows. He will spend eternity alone." 

I let out both a sigh of relief and defeat. This meeting was not going how I imagined, in every way physically possible. 

"I know why you're tempted by Xander. You fear you aren't ready to take on the role you were born for," she spoke softly, turning to me. 

I turned to her, my head hanging low. This trip was supposed to settle my unease; it was supposed to make me know. All I was, was more confused. 

"What do I do, Moon Goddess?" I sighed. I rested my head in my hands, letting my hair cascade down my forearms. I felt her presence beside me. She gave off a calming aura, I had to admit. 

"I could give you the answers, love. I could tell you who you're destined to be with and what you're destined to do. How you respond, isn't mine to decide. You are not a werewolf, Cyan. You are still human. You have your own heart, unbound to my powers." 

"Are you saying that just because you chose me, doesn't mean I've been chosen?" I looked at her quizzically. She sent me a small smile, nodding. 

"Our time is nearly up, darling." I looked at her with pleading eyes, and she took my hand in hers. Her hand felt smooth and cold as ice. 

"Can I ask you one last thing, Artemis?"

"Anything, love." 

"You spend your entire life making matches for others. Who are you destined to be with?" 

She smiled with a hint of sadness that was quickly covered by her luminescent glow. 

"That is a story for another night, child." 

And I was once again encased in darkness.

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