30 // Hell Rising

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Damien's POV 

I stretched my fingers across the silk sheets. For the first time in weeks, no one was there. It was ice cold. My head twitched towards the door as I heard a knock. It was Alessia. 

"Still no word from her?" 

"I don't think she's coming back," I sighed, collapsing back into the bed. 

"Don't say that," she pleaded. "She would come back if she knew that everyone would be safe. She's just trying to protect you." 

"How is this protecting me, Alessia?" I sat back up, heated. I couldn't stay still. 

"She's protecting you because she knows. She knew that if she stayed, she would risk the lives of everyone in this palace, and this city. If she left, at least the rogues would leave with her. As much as you dislike your brother, Damien, you have to admit. You know she'll be safe with him." 

"I felt burning in my chest last night," I scowled. 

"No," Alessia breathed in sharply as her fingers covered her mouth. "She wouldn't do that to you." 

"It would have hurt more if she actually betrayed me, but he tried something. Chances are, her mark probably burned up when it happened. It was pretty brief." 

"Still, I'm sorry that happened to you. To both of you. I'm sorry this whole thing happened." 

"The life of royals isn't easy," I let out a sarcastic chuckle. 

Cyan's POV

When I awoke, I stretched my fingers across the high thread count sheets. All my fingers found was cold cotton. I opened my eyes, sighing as they confirmed it. I was alone. Normally, I would be happy that I was alone. Here, I felt out of place. I felt like I should be looking over my shoulder all the time. 

"You look like a lost pup," Xander snickered. I looked across the room to see his arms folded in the doorway, with that same smirk that was on his face last night. 


"You what?" 

"I'm scared." I looked down at my hands, fumbling with them. I watched his cup mine, and I looked up into his eyes. I forgot how gorgeous his eyes were. 

"Thank you," he chuckled. I could feel my face drain of color. I said that out loud? "What are you scared of, Cyan?" 

"A month ago, everyone in this mountain range wanted to kill me. How am I supposed to trust that Damien won't take a league of his best men and kidnap me back?" 

"Is it kidnapping if you go willingly?" 

"Stop it, will you?" I pulled away, standing upright as I placed my hands on my hips. "Stop saying that I'm with you for politics, and that I'm just trying to go back to Damien. I didn't have to come with you. I came willingly. It was my idea. So just stop--" 

His lips. 

My lips. 

In sync. 



I leaned back out of the kiss as I clamped my hand around the side of my neck. Even kissing seemed to be against the laws of nature within the Moon Goddess' wishes. 

"I'm so sorry, I--" 

"Don't be sorry, Xander. I need to talk to her." 

"Talk to who?" he furrowed his brow. 

"The Moon Goddess." 

I waited around all day. It wasn't a full moon, but I was going to have to try my best to contact her anyway. I wasn't sure about all the fancy rituals that The Council did beforehand, but I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. When they opened, I was there. 

I looked around, and she was nowhere to be found. My gaze was turned to the lake, and that's when I laid eyes on her. She was bathing. How did I interrupt her, do I just knock awkwardly on a tree? When she looked at me, her eyes widened. 

"I'm sorry, Artemis, I didn't mean to--" 

"How did you get here, Cyan? It's past the full moon." 

"Why do you look genuinely shocked to see me?" 

If I were her, I would have been scrambling for my clothes. I looked away as she rose from the lip of the lake, and gathered her silk robe from the tree beside her. 

"You shouldn't be able to reach me on any night other than a full moon. Why are you here, child? What's so urgent?" 

"The mark. Why didn't you warn me?" 

She sighed, inviting me to sit beside her as we looked out at the lake. The moonlight rippled against the lip of the lake. I began to wonder where this even was in the world, if she even existed within our realm. 

"I wanted you to choose first, but I've been watching you. I didn't expect you to make a move for love out of politics." 

"Can you take it away?" 

She looked at me, shocked.

"I mean I can, but do you realize what that would do to Damien? He would know, Cyan. It would cause him to lash out, or leave him heartbroken." 

"How am I supposed to choose if I cant even kiss Xander without feeling like my neck is being branded?" 

"If removing the mark and giving you a fresh start is what you really want, I can do that." 

"Please," I pleaded. 

She left me, and I curled up by the lake. When I awoke, I was disoriented. I was still in the center of Xander's floor, and he was sound asleep in bed. I propped myself up with an elbow against the carpet. I moved my fingers over my neck where the mark was, and I felt nothing. I ran them over again, and got the same result. 

Scrambling to my feet, I looked over at Xander. His hair was tousled, and he was strewn across the bed. I knew he hadn't been sleeping well. I tiptoed over, leaning down as I pressed my lips to his. 

No pain. 

He moved beneath me, opening his eyes into a soft smile. 

"Good morning to you too, darling." 

His eyes scanned my face, and travelled down to my neck. His eyes widened, and he shifted up in his sheets so that he was sitting upright. He seemed baffled. 

"What did you do?" 

I smiled, taking his hand into mine. 

"I visited the Moon Goddess. I asked her to give me a clean slate and remove the mark."

I watched the color drain from his face, and he got out of bed as he began pacing the floor. I expected him to be happy about this. 

"Why did you do that, Cyan?" 

"I don't understand, Xander. I wanted us to have a real chance, I wanted a clean slate. I didn't want to feel loyalty to Damien while I was with you." 

"You don't know much about werewolf history. There was only one other case, where the Moon Goddess removed the mark of the Luna. She wanted to leave her mate; the King at that time was very abusive. When she woke up, her mate knew. When it happens to an Alpha King, it changes their personality. He grew even more malicious, and possessive. He was determined to never lose her again." 

"What happened to the Luna, Xander?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. 

"He found her, and he was in a fit of rage...she was killed, Cyan. My mother was killed." 


Be sure to vote, comment, and all that good stuff. Add this book to your library because I'm going to be updating lots this week! (No homework perks) 



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