18 // A Proposition

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You're very welcome for that little (gif)t at the top (See? I make puns, too)

I woke up to the smell of clean sheets, and a breeze drifting in through the window. My eyes squinted at the bright light that was inside my room, and I sighed. The panic hit me when I realized I wasn't surrounded by paint. Not Damien, not my fancy room, my paint. 

Priorities, huh? 

"Good morning, Princess," I turned to my left to see Xander, in the same bed as me. 


I scrambled off the bed, hitting the ground with a large thump. 

"Xander, I swear to God if you drugged me and did some creepy voodoo shi--" 

"Relax, Kitten." 

"Cut it, with the nicknames," I scowled. That was Damien's nickname for me

"I didn't bring you to hurt you, or mark you, or do whatever ridiculous evil things Damien and that little possy of yours have put into your head." 

"Then why are you half naked and in the same bed as me?" I crossed my arms, getting to my feet. 

"You were drugged, yes, and I had to make sure you didn't hurt yourself, or anyone." 

I looked around me, setting my gaze out the window. This view didn't look familiar. As if reading my mind, the words he spoke next nearly made my blood run cold. 

"We aren't at my mansion, Cyan. We're somewhere that not even my powerful brother can find us." 

I felt the warmth of his body against my back, and I stiffened. I wasn't in control here. I wasn't control when I didn't have Damien by my side, and we both knew it. As long as I was here, Xander had the upper hand. He pulled my hair to the side, revealing the mark on my neck. I felt heat creep to my face, and I pulled away before he could do anything else. He let out a low chuckle. 

"You're afraid of me. Good." 

"Don't waste either of our time, Xander. Tell me why I'm here." 

"I made a...proposition to the Council, and Damien's vote is the one that will sway them. Consider yourself...motivation." 

"You would never hurt me," I frowned. 

Before I had time to react, I felt cool drywall against my back and my hands were pinned over the top of my head. His breath fanned on my cheek, and I stiffened at the intimate touch. 

"You're right, love, I would never hurt you. I would pleasure you to your heart's content, and that would slaughter my brother much more than a measly bruise." 

"That's assault," I spat. I felt my voice start to shake. 

"Not if you're enjoying it," he nipped my neck, and I held my breath. "Not if you're screaming my name, begging for more." He left small kisses along my jawline, stopping when he got to my lips. He pulled his head back, smirking down at me. I wanted to slap it off his face. The other half of me wanted to tangle my hands in that ridiculously good looking hair. 

I felt like a sleaze. Part of me wishes I had something to blame it on. With Damien, I could blame it on that stupid mark. I wasn't attracted to him before. But with Xander, it was just pure, raw, untouched attraction. And that terrified me even more. 

Because that meant it was real. 

"You can deny it all you want, Princess, but I see the way your body reacts to mine." 

"I belong to Damien," I spat. 

He let go of my arms and sighed, pacing the floor as I stayed flush against the wall, watching his every move. 

"Weren't you the human girl that wanted nothing to do with werewolves? An independent little one, living at the top of that hill for nearly two decades. If it weren't for your wonderful friend Alessia, we never would have met." 

"What is this vague proposition you made to the Council?" 

"Itching to leave already?" he chuckled. "My people don't want to be stuck on that mountain. They don't want their children stuck on that mountain. Not all of them are living as lavishly as I am in that mansion. Most of them are in tents on the mountainside, hunting for food every night. They want jobs, they want to find their mates, they want to join packs. Rogues have an unfortunate...stigma attached to them. Just like any others, they want a family. They want to be loved. They aren't all murderers." 

By the end of his pitch, I could tell he wasn't just talking about his people. 


"Save the pep talk, alright?" 

"If you're no longer banished, won't that mean..." 

"The throne will be mine once more." 


A short one, I know, but an important one!!! I know it's been a long time since I updated (5 days is a long time for me, okay? Summer is going by achingly slow.) But a nice big chapter is coming this weekend, so stay tuned :) 

Keep favoriting, and commenting, and all that good stuff. We were in the top #100 for Werewolf the other day! Let's see if we can get to #1, aye? 

Due to popular demand, once I get settled in to University, XANDER'S SEQUEL IS COMING!!! I can't wait to show his story to you guys. 

Keep on keepin' on :) 



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