Innocent Days in Dallas

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(AN: I've added another part to this chapter, so if you have already read this, please take a few minutes to re-read it for the new part. Thank you!)

                                                                           Summer 1982

Nine-year-old Emma Grace was laughing as she ran around the backyard. Close behind her was eleven- year- old Nick Stokes. They had an intense game of tag going on, and Emma Grace was determined not to let Nick catch her this time.

The kids played for a little while longer until Bill Stokes, Nick's dad, came out. "Kids, take a break. I have popsicles!" He called and smiled as he watched the two children finish their game and then run to the picnic table.

"Can I have an orange popsicle, Mr. Bill?" Emma Grace asked smiling up at the older man.

"Of course Sweetheart," Bill Stokes said smiling and handing Emma Grace an orange flavored popsicle.

"What flavor do you want Pancho?" Bill asked Nick.

"Cherry, please, Cisco," Nick said taking a seat next to Emma Grace.

Nick and Emma Grace ate the popsicles and talked to Bill. Soon Jillian Stokes brought dinner out, and Nick's siblings came and joined all of them for dinner. There was a lot of laughing and joking around that picnic table that night, and after dinner, Nick walked Emma Grace home.

"I think those two are going to grow up and get married one day," Bill said to his wife as the two of them watched the kids walk hand in hand down the road.

"Maybe," Jillian said with a smile on her face.

                                                                    Spring 1987

Fourteen-year-old Emma Grace was sitting on the bleachers at the high school. She was waiting for Nick to get done with the meeting he had with his teacher about his paper because he was her ride home. Emma didn't mind waiting for Nick when he had meetings; it gave her a chance to get all of her homework done and enjoy the warm spring weather. And she would never admit this to anyone but her best friend, but she liked riding home with him and just getting to talk to him alone. He was growing up, and so was she, and she couldn't deny that she was attracted to him. However, she would never risk the friendship they had always had just because he was her first crush.

"Earth to Gracie, you still with me?" Someone asked while waving their hand in front of Emma's face. 

"What?" Emma asked looking up and seeing Nick grinning at her.

"I asked if you were still with me Ems. I was talking to you for about three minutes, and you had this dazed look in your eyes," Nick said smiling and chuckling lightly.

"Oh, sorry, are you ready to go?" Emma Grace asked collecting her things and trying to control the blush that was wanting to spread to her cheeks.

"Yeah, the meeting is over. So what were you thinking about?" Nick asked as the two of them walked side by side and headed for the school parking lot.

"Just about how high school is tougher than I thought," Emma Grace said hoping Nick would believe her.

"You'll do just fine Ems. You're so smart that sometimes it scares me," Nick said giving his best friend a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Nicky," Emma said smiling.

"Nick! Emma! Wait up!" The two friends turned around to see Kevin, one of Nick's classmates and friends, running to catch up with them.

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