Christmas 2001

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(AN: set after season 2; episode 12 "You've Got Male")

This Christmas is going to be different. Nick thought as his brother Chris dove him toward the Stokes' home from the airport. Nick had not been able to come home for Thanksgiving this year because of a case he had been working on, and he missed his family. However, this was going to be the first Christmas in five years that Emma Grace would be at the Stokes' house the same time Nick was.

"Gracie hasn't changed much. She was cooking a bowl of her chili when I left to come pick you up." Chris knew that he was treading on thin ice, no one knew how this Christmas was going to go with Nick and Emma Grace in the house together after all these years.

Nick looked away from the window to give his brother Chris his full attention. "How has she been Chris?"

"She's been busy with work, but she loves her job. She's at the house as much as possible. She still loves spending time in the middle of a big chaotic family." Chirs was smiling as he talked about Emma Grace staying in the lives of the other Stokes family members.

"That's good." Nick wanted to ask if Emma Grace was dating anyone, but he didn't know how to bring the topic up with Chris.

"She's not dating anyone." Chris couldn't hide the amusement from his voice as he watched his baby brother act like a nervous schoolboy.

"I-" Nick began looking at his brother with a look of shock and blushing.

"Nick, I could tell that you wanted to ask. Emma Grace has been on a few dates in the past years, but nothing's ever worked out. She hangs out with some of the people from high school, but nothing romantic," Chirs smiled as he told Nick about the last five years of Emma Grace's life.

"Oh, Emma did get a dog about four years ago. It looks like a beast, but it's friendly too."

"What do you mean she has a dog that looks like a beast?" Great, this dog has probably been trained to kill me. Nick thought as he waited for his brother to answer him.

"Gracie got him when he was seven weeks old. He's a Cane Corso Mastiff named Gladiator."

"Around what time did she get Gladiator?"

"Two weeks after you left for Las Vegas in 1997. Gladiator goes everywhere with Gracie."

Nick didn't say anything else, and the two of them spent the last twenty minutes of the car ride driving in silence.

"NICK!!" Nick couldn't tell you who was the one who yelled his name as multiple people from his family rushed out of the family house to greet him and Chris when the car came to a stop in the driveway.

After all of the hugs and kisses, the entourage made their way into the house. As soon as Nick entered, carrying his ten-month-old niece Lexi a dog started barking. Nick turned the corner into the living room and was met with a huge dog that had its hackles raised.

"Gladiator. Stop!" The calm, but stern command came from the kitchen, and a minute later Emma Grace came through the swinging kitchen door to get control of her dog.

Nick was shocked into stillness, but it had nothing to do with the beast of the dog lowly growling at him, it had to do with the beautiful woman he hadn't seen in five years standing beside the dog.

"Gladiator, sit and stay." Emma Grace gave a slight downward motion, and the dog sat and calmed down immediately. "It's good to see you, Nicky." Emma Grace couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at seeing her best friend after five years of being apart; he was looking good.

"It's good to see you too, Gracie. I'd give you a hug but-" Nick didn't finish his sentence, he just slightly inclined his head toward the dog at Emma Grace's feet.

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