Built to Kill

911 23 0

(AN: Takes place before, during, and after season 7 episodes 1 and 2 "Built to Kill.")

September tenth found Nick's third oldest sister, Lisa and her husband Robert at Nick and Emma Grace's house with their four children, Jessica, Jennifer, Michael, and Matthew. Jessica and Jennifer's fourteenth birthday was the next day, and they had wanted to visit Nick and Emma. The girls had a birthday party back in Texas with all of their friends before traveling to Las Vegas. The day was filled with games outside and that night for dessert Nick and Emma Grace created an ice cream bar since Jessica and Jennifer did not like cake. Some of Nick's team members showed up to wish the girls happy birthday along with Ashley, Jake, and Andrew.

"Ashley, what are you going to do after college?" Jessica asked her older cousin as they ate ice cream outside on the porch.

"I want to get a job working in the crime lab." Ashley put a bite of her chocolate ice cream in her mouth.

"What about you, Jake?" Jennifer asked.

"Like Ashley, I want to work in a crime lab." Jake had an internship at the crime lab Nick worked in, but where Ashley mostly worked with Hodges and Wendy, Jake mostly worked with Archie.

"Are the two of you going to get married?" The question came from six-year-old Michael and Jake choked momentarily on his vanilla ice cream.

Ashley cleared her throat as she sat her ice cream on the table. "I don't know. We haven't talked about that yet," Ashley explained to her younger cousin.

"Why not? The two of you have been together for forever," Matthew, Michael's twin brother, supplied; exaggerating on the word 'forever.'

"Well, we both agreed we wanted to finish college first. This year is the first time Ashley and I are getting paid for working at the lab. We both hope we get permeate jobs there after we graduate, but we don't know that yet," Jake knew the young boys wouldn't understand the importance of having a steady job so that the couple could live, but he still explained that to them.

"We would also have to find an apartment or house to move into because we couldn't live in the dorms anymore. That's a lot to do without adding a wedding to the list," Ashley smiled at her four younger cousins as they all rolled their eyes.

"Ashley, there are so many of us that we could have a wedding planned in like three months, maybe two," Jennifer informed her cousin as she took a bite of her ice cream.

"I'll keep that in mind, Jen." Ashley went back to eating her ice cream.

The four adults couldn't hold their laughter in any longer as they watched the cousins. Yes, Ashley and Jake had been together for (# of years) and Nick and Emma Grace both thought the young couple would end up married. None of the family were rushing them though, it seemed as if they had a pretty good plan in place already.

Three days later Lisa, Robert, Jessica, Jennifer, Michael, and Matthew returned home to Texas. Nick, Emma Grace, and their girls had one day of a normal routine before it was time to celebrate another birthday. Emma Grace and Nick made cupcakes and took them to Katlin's class on September fourteenth to celebrate Katlin's seventh birthday with her classmates. When Katlin and Marie came home from school Nick was there with seven pink roses for Katlin and one pink rose for Marie. Emma Grace had prepared Katlin's favorite food, homemade pizza and a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. The family ate their food and Jim Brass and Catherine came over to watch Maggie and Amelia while Nick and Emma Grace took Katlin and Marie to see a movie.

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