It Feels like Today, for Sure

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(AN: takes place after season 5; episode 17 "Compulsion.")

"Nicky, you need to relax." Emma Grace walked up behind Nick and started massaging his shoulders.

"Gracie, today was rough." That's all Nick could say as the case of twelve-year-old Tyler being beaten to death by his fourteen-year-old brother Matt replayed in his head. There were some days Nick hated his job, and today was one of those days.

"I'm here Nicky." Emma Grace was not going to tell Nick that everything was going to be okay because that did not take Nick's pain away, but she could be his support as he worked through the emotions that the case brought to him.

"I wanted to believe with everything in me that one of the parents did it." Nick rested his head on the back of the couch from emotional exhaustion.

"It's easier to believe an adult is capable of something like this instead of a child." Emma Grace kept her voice soft as she continued to massage Nick's shoulders.

"When we learned about that homeless guy, Walter, I was hoping it would be him. That way I had proof that the parents loved both of their children." Nick didn't try to keep the sadness out of his voice. He knew he could let his guard down around Emma Grace.

Emma Grace sat down on the couch beside Nick. She took his hand in hers and looked him in the eye. "That fact that you are determined to protect as many children as possible, no matter what proves to me how strong you are. You've taken the horrible thing that girl did to you when you were nine and turned it into something beautiful. In the process, you have shown how big of a heart you have and that you haven't let years on this job harden your heart, but make it grow with love more." Emma Grace's voice was shaking; she always wanted to cry when she talked about the pain Nick had to experience when he was just a child. Her heart felt like it was ripping in two and she had experienced the pain with him.

Nick didn't say a word. He pulled Emma Grace closer to him, wrapping her in a hug. He rested his head in the crook of her neck and let his silent tears over the outcome of the case and the painful memories it had brought up roll down his face. Emma Grace also had a way about her that made Nick feel free from the nightmares of his past and of the cases that got to him.

As the two sat there, Nick heard the song that had come on the radio. "Gracie, come dance with me?" Nick asked in a whisper. Emma Grace stood up from the couch and let Nick wrap her in his arms. The two of them started to dance to "Feels Like Today" by Rascal Flatts they began to laugh and just enjoy each others company. 

As Nick watched Emma Grace twirl and smile, he couldn't help but feel like he was free. He caught himself feeling better as the weight of the case left him, and the contagious joy of the woman in his arms washed over him. Emma Grace would giggle every once in a while, and Nick couldn't help but release a small chuckle.

As the song started coming to an end, Nick could only stare at the beautiful woman in his arms. I want to marry this woman one day. The thought caught Nick off guard, and he slightly stumbled as the song ended.

"Nicky, is everything okay?" Emma Grace had a confused, but worried look on her face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I, um, I just remembered we told Kaitlin and Marie that we would pick them up after school and I want to run to the grocery store, so they have what they like to eat." Nick hoped Emma Grace bought this story.

"Oh, okay. Let's go shopping." Emma Grace was contagiously happy again as she smiled up at Nick and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Even though Nick and Emma Grace went about their day as they usually would one thought kept crossing Nick's mind. I want to marry this woman one day.

Around seven that night is when Nick realized that thought shouldn't scare him. He was watching Emma Grace reading a bedtime story to Kaitlin and Marie. There was a girl tucked on either side of Emma Grace, and the three of them were snuggling. Love was radiating from all three of them. Nick's thoughts changed from I want to marry this woman one day,  to I'm going to marry this woman one day, I love her. 

Nick smiled to himself as he walked over to Emma Grace and wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed a kiss on her head. The two of them watched Katlin and Marie sleep for a few minutes. They didn't need to tell each other what they were feeling, both of them were grateful for the blessings the two girls had brought to their lives. Nick was also thinking about the fact that he was in love with his best friend, and this time he wasn't going to mess their relationship up, but help it grow.

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