Spring Break 2006

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(AN: takes place the week after season 6; episode 20 "Popin' Tags," and before season 6; episode 21 "Rashomama.")

"You mean to tell me that you didn't keep the suit?" Chris, Nick's older brother asked after Nick had finished telling the family about the case he worked a week ago concerning multiple rappers.

"Oh, trust me, the suit was not Nicky's style." Emma Grace couldn't help but laugh as she came into the living room holding Maggie Hope.

"Someone will get some good use out of it," Nick said chuckling.

"Dada! Dada!" One-year-old Maggie clapped her hands together before she reached for Nick.

"How are you still awake, Sweetheart? You've had a busy day." Everyone could hear the love in Nick's voice as he talked to the one-year-old.

"She about fell asleep in the bathtub while I was washing the icing off of her," Emma Grace said before giving Nick a soft kiss on the lips. The family had just finished celebrating Maggie Hope's first birthday. Emma Grace released a tired sigh and waddled her way to the couch. At thirty-two weeks pregnant, waddling was about all she could do.

The Stokes family made their way into the living room. Many conversations about the week's events took place while ten-year-old Molly, who also had a birthday that week, played with some of her new toys with he cousins.

As the evening continued the nine youngest of the Stokes children started falling asleep at different times. As parents went to take care of their children and Nick's parents went to the kitchen to make tea, Nick and Emma Grace were left alone in the living room with Katlin, Marie, and Maggie Hope.

Maggie was asleep in Nick's arms, and the girls were trying to fight against the sleep that was trying to take them.

"Girls, Nick and I have something to talk to you about." The girls looked at Emma Grace with expressions that screamed how nervous they were.

"Do Y'all remember how I had been taking classes a couple of weeks ago?" Nick asked the girls.

They nodded their heads but didn't speak.

"Well, those classes were to help me learn how to be a foster dad to the two of you." Katlin and Marie knew what the word "foster" meant, they'd had a few foster parents before they ended up at the group home and then with Emma Grace.

"Does that mean you're our foster dad like Emma is our foster mom?" Katlin was the one who found her voice first to ask the question.

"It does, but there's something else we want to talk to you two about." Even though Emma's voice was gentle, the girls still looked nervous.

"Now, Katlin, Marie, you know that I want to adopt both of you. But, because of a few legal things going on I can't right now," Emma Grace explained.

"You know we want you to be our mommy," Katlin said.

"I know, Sweetheart. And, in here, I am your mommy." Emma Grace placed her hand over her heart.

"What does that mean?" Marie had spoken up for the first time since the conversation had started.

"That means, if the two of you want to, I would be honored if you called me mommy." Emma Grace had a small smile on her face and unshed tears in her eyes.

"YES!" Both girls exclaimed in unison before hugging Emma Grace, who let out a laugh of delight and let her tears of happiness fall from her eyes.

"Now, I have a favor to ask the two of you." Nick had a smile on his face while he waited for Katlin and Marie to give him their attention.

"I passed my classes, and that means I can be your foster dad. I want to adopt both of you, along with Maggie Hope. But, like Mommy, I have to wait for the same legal things that Mommy is working out."

"What does that mean?" Marie asked in a tiny voice.

"That means, if the two of you want it, I would like to be your dad." Nick had unshed tears in his eyes now.

"You mean we can call you daddy?" Katlin asked, and her face shone like it did on Christmas morning.

"If you want to, Sweetheart." Nick smiled at the girls.

"DADDY!" Both girls shrieked as they threw themselves into Nick's arms, somehow managing not to squish the still sleeping Maggie Hope.

The family of five, soon to be six, sat on the couch together answering Katlin and Marie's questions concerning the fact that Emma Grace and Nick were now their mom and dad. Katlin soon fell asleep against Emma Grace while Marie fell asleep using Nick's arm as a pillow.

Thanks to many nights of practice, Nick was able to stand up without disturbing Marie and placed Maggie Hope in her crib in the guest room that was once Nick's childhood room. Nick returned to the living room and carried Marie up to the room and placed her on the air mattress. He did the same thing with Katlin. Then, Nick helped Emma Grace up from the couch. The couple went upstairs where their daughters were sleeping.

Emma Grace got ready for bed and laid down. While Nick went into the bathroom to get ready for bed, Emma Grace's ten-year-old dog, Gladiator, made himself comfortable by laying down beside the air mattress that Katlin and Marie were sleeping on.

As Nick settled into bed beside the love of his life, he looked over at his three girls. Nick turned to face Emma Grace and placed his hand on her stomach. Their daughter gave a soft kick. Nick couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. His family was one step closer to being made whole. This was one of the best spring breaks Nick had ever spent with his family.

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